I have a Wired Only SB3.  My routers Ethernet ports have died, but the
wirless still works.  I am waiting for the manufacturer to contact me
about a replacement.

In the meantime I can't use my SB3, or can I.  I have a dektop PC
running SlimServer.  This is connected to the router using 802.11g.  I
also have a laptop which is connected to the router using 802.11g.

The laptop has an Ethernet port that is unused.  Could I connect the
laptops Ethernet port to the Ethernet port of the SB3 (using a
crossover cable) so that the laptop was acting as a bridge for the SB3?
I know a little about networking, but not a lot.

My router has the address and has a DHCP server which
allocates the rest of the devices their IP addresses from

I guess that I would need to give the Ethernet card on the laptop an
address outwith 192.168.xxx.xxx, or would I.  I would then need to give
the SB3 an address that was on the same network as the laptop Ethernet. 
Also I would need to point the SB3 at the gateway which would be the IP
address of the Laptop Ethernet card.  I did have a quick fiddle but
didn't get anywhere.  This is only a short term solution, but I don't
want to be without my SB3 for any length of time.

Could somebody please advise on what I need to do to get this working? 
I am having people round tomorrow night and don't want to be without

Thanks in advance,

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