Earlier this year, the Logitech Squeezebox app stopped working, first on
my Sony Xperia Z phone, and sometime later it stopped working on my
Xperia Z tablet.

The app just displays "Free you music" and then nothing more happens.

I suspect that this was caused by system upgrades on the devices.

The phone is currently running system version 10.7.A.0.222
The tablet is currently also running system version 10.7.A.0.222

(this isn't the version that stopped the logitech app from working)

I have googled and found this thread:

I have tried the workaround mentioned at the end of the thread:
uninstall the upgrade to the Android system webview app

However, that didn't help, the app is still stuck in "Free your music"
at startup.

Has anyone else had any luck in getting the Logitech squeezebox app
working again after it stopped working after a system upgrade?


- Steinar

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