I am a new owner of the SqueezeBox 3, and explored the entire menu of
the SqueezeBox, the one that’s used with the SqueezeNetwork, on
12/30/06 from about 11am-3pm, and would like to make a few comments
that may benefit the entire SqueezeBox community:

There should be at most about 5 levels of organization. There are 10,
that’s too complicated and takes the fun out of the Squeezebox.

There should be a diagram of all the Internet radio subgroups, is

Regarding the display, it typically shows “Now Playing” on the first
line, and something like “http://dsl-64.....”  on the second.    None
of this information is useful.   It would be so useful to see something
like “Smooth Jazz” on the first, line, followed by “Rippingtons –
Celebrate” on the second.  Even when I define the title of the url at
SqueezeNetwork, it doesn’t always display when the show or song is
playing.   And “Now Playing” on the first line is never useful, it’s
completely redundant.  Why not just display the time instead?   The
Roku SoundBridge (another brand of internet radio) seems to have the
right idea concerning this – their recent upgrade displays the time of
day, rather than the elapsed time for that program (that displayed in
the previous operating system). 

Since talk radio is a very popular format, Talker’s 100 should be in
the main menu, rather than buried 6 levels deep, which means that the
20 odd channels in this category are at the 7th level in.  Good Grief! 
Let me recount.  Yes, that’s 7 levels deep!   “Talker’s 100” should be
at level 1, not level 6, and all English Speaking talk or news shows
should be included in Talker’s 100, because it’s easier to scroll
through a single list than a tree structure that branches illogically. 
Rule of thumb:  The fewer sublevels, the better!

Some elements of the outermost levels are poorly organized.  Obviously,
there’s something wrong with the logic of Talk/More Talk/Talk.    In the
outermost, main menu, you should have
1.      Talker’s 100 (with would include all the personality driven talk
shows, morning shows, current events, and issues oriented shows)
2.      News (don’t break it down by local/national.   People will locate
what they want and put it in their favorites.)  Don’t really need a
“local news” subgroup, since people use their regular radios for that.
3.      Special Interest (with subgroups like science, human interest, etc. 
The NASA TV channel would fit in here, along with subgroups on Police
scanners, etc.  It makes sense that this, and not “Talker’s 100”, would
be deeply buried in some subgroup that few people are interested in.)
4.      International (with subgroups for individual countries, such as
Ireland for “Celtic Melt”).
5.      Pandora
6.      Actually 5-9, to include all 7 Internet Radio subgroups except for
Live Music Archive (which is pointless) and the Radio Time header,
which is integrated into the main menu.  Even Slim Devices Picks seems
pointless, because people want either live news, relevant talk, or
their favorite tunes.  I couldn’t even figure out what Slim Devices
Picks was, since none of the channels worked.  And please note that the
reason they didn’t work is because the urls are defunct or experiencing
host server problems – all my equipment is working perfectly.

Most of the channels in Talker’s 100 don’t work.  Which brings up my
next point:  so many of the channels in the overly expansive directory
don’t work.   By getting rid of those channels that don’t work, and
putting ALL talk shows in the Talker’s 100, you’d be killing 2 birds
with 1 stone:  removing at least 1 entire layer of the directory, and
those layers that remain will have fewer extinct urls.    In some
subcategories, none of the channels are working!  For example:
1.      Talk/More Talk/Entertainment/Comedy has 44 channels, including
Howard 100, Howard 101, and Sirius 104.  Come on, Sirius wouldn’t be,
and isn’t, giving these away for free.  You also have Martha Stewart’s
Sirius show listed under Self Development/Advice, and Sirius Left
listed under More Talk/Politics/Liberal.  Of course none of these
Sirius channels work.  Why are they even listed?   Another show that
did come in, the Mike Malloy show, also appeared to be a Sirius
property,  based on what the host and caller were saying, but I’m not
2.      Talk/More Talk/Talk/Entertainment/Film has 8 channels.  None work. 
The film subcategory should therefore be removed.  Your deceiving your
customers by implying they have access to film reviews.
3.      Talk/Magazine has 7 channels, none work.
4.      Talk/Morning has 8 channels, only 1 worked 12/26/06 afternoon
(should they only work Mon-Fri morning?)  - and all of these should be
under Talker’s 100 anyway.  Why call it Talker’s 100 if it’s really
Talker’s 3?
5.      Talk/Special Interest has 2 channels, neither work.  So this
category can be removed entirely.
6.      Talk/Truckers has 4 channels, none work, so this category can be
removed also.  (This seems strategically misplaced anyway, since the
SqueezeBox is in homes and not trucks.)
7.      Talk/Other has 244 channels and almost none work.   Really, aren’t
most radio stations either music or news/talk?  Why not just classify
those that do work under talk or music?
8.      More Talk/Self Development has 9 channels but only 2 work.
9.      Under Medical you have “Best of Dean Edell”, which doesn’t work.  Is
he dead?
10.     More Talk/Technology/Internet has 6 channels.  Only 1 worked, and
it was…music.  I would expect buyers of the SqueezeBox to be interested
in these channels, so why do you tease us?
11.     More Talk/Technology/Computers has 2 channels, neither works.  I
would expect users of the SqueezeBox to be interested in these
channels, so why do you tease us?

Under More Talk/Technology/Other there are 4 channels, one of which is
NASA TV, which works!  This is buried about 10 (ten) levels in and will
never be found by many people, unfortunately, because it’s kinda cool.  
Almost none of what appear to be other cool stations work, based on my
exploration.  And most of the stations buried deep in the menu system
that did work were in Chinese or Latin.  

You really have an obligation to get rid of stations that don’t work
because people will keep coming back to these to see if they will work,
not knowing that these shows may have become defunct years ago.

And some of the urls are strangely classified – “Jazz flight” is
umpteen levels in under More Talk/Talk/Public Affairs.   Public
Affairs?  And Don Imus isn't in Talker's 100 but some odd, deeply
buried subgroup.  Did I say "deeply buried"?

Other than that the device works fine!

Thanks for reading my letter, I hope some of it will be useful.

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