I just thought that I'd add my comments on the current state of the

I Recieved my Duet last week and other than my initial suprise at the
small size of the Receiver, I find that it just works - I guess that
early beta testing must already have been done there and got the bugs
ironed out of it.

The controller has certainly come a long way since the Jive prototypes.

One thing that I've noticed lately is that If I stop and start the
server then the controller doesn't reconnect - sometimes the 'choose
player' option gets it going again and sometimes it doesn't.

Regarding the wheel - I'm finding that moving my finger from 12 o clock
down to six can cause a movement of between 3 and 6 items on a menu. I
think the whole thing would be more intuitive to use if for example, 30
degrees of rotation moved one menu item (not including accelerated lists
of course). It's just a feel thing but I think it would be easier to
navigate knowing how far you need to turn.

Is pre loading of album art going to happen? I like to browse by album
and it would be much better without the waiting.

And one last request, I'd like to just press play on 'New Music' and
have the whole list play like you can on an Artist.

Like I said, it's come a long way and I find that I'm using it more and



MC2Slim - Windows Shell and J River Media Center Integration for

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