Apesbrain wrote:
> Power-cycle the Squeezebox to see if that resolves the issue: unplug,
> wait 30 secs, re-plug. You might also do the same with your router.
> If no luck, reply with more information about which Squeezebox, what
> version of LMS, and which Android app.
Thank you, I did as
Power-cycle the Squeezebox to see if that resolves the issue: unplug,
wait 30 secs, re-plug. You might also do the same with your router.
If no luck, reply with more information about which Squeezebox, what
version of LMS, and which Android app.
Last night my Squeezebox refused to lull me to sleep. Attempts to turn
it on with the remote were met with a screen message "Connect time out".
However this lunchtime I find that I can still control the device from
the Squeezebox web site "Mysqueezebox.com" but not from an Android
Can an
Debug flags
Try either or both:
d_source useful if transocding on Slimserver
d_directstreamuseful if no transcoding on Slimserver.
bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
View this
Hi guys,
Thanks for the replies! Here are some answers to your questions:
Q:What plugins are you running?
SuperDateTime, AutoDim Display, Lastfm & Scrobbler
Q:How do you start the list of songs when the song fails to play?
This is a good question - I most often use RandomAlbum - I would say
I've seen something similar but different relating to socketwrapper on
What format are the files ?
What iso the player ?
What is the OS ?
Is there transcoding happening ?
Did you create a playlist and then start playing it all ?
Did you Pause ?
Yes, I have seen this before.
What plugins are you running?
How do you start the list of songs when the song fails to play? I mean,
do you
browse and play an album and then after a while it does not play the
next song?
Or, do you need to start the list of playing songs a certain way (like
Anybody seen this before?
Occasionally the SB3 will stall - just doesn't start playing the next
song - it displays the upcoming song, the buffer is full, but the song
doesn't start playing until I press play, at which time it re-buffers
('show buffer fullness' activated) and starts playing. Seems