Has anyone had problems streaming music from Pandora/Slacker?  I can
play the streams from either fine but at a random point during the
playing of songs, the music will stop and give the following error. I
am runnning the most recent softsqueeze packaged with SC.  Any ideas on
how to get to the bottom of this?

Sys info :
SqueezeCenter Version: 7.2 - 22900 @ Tue Aug 26 10:45:08 PDT 2008 -
Debian - EN - utf8
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.38-Ubuntu_0ubuntu1.4 

Platform Architecture: i686-linux

Hostname: SqueezeCenter

Server Port Number: 9000

[08-09-28 18:47:24.7335] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1398) Warning:
[18:47:24.7329] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player/Squeezebox.pm line 1055.
[08-09-28 18:47:24.7339] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1398) Warning:
[18:47:24.7338] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player/Squeezebox.pm line 1055.
[08-09-28 18:47:24.7343] Slim::Player::Source::errorOpening (1759)
Error: While opening current track, so mark it as already played!
[08-09-28 18:47:24.7346] Slim::Player::Source::errorOpening (1759)

frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player/Source.pm line 1759)
frame 1: Slim::Player::Source::errorOpening
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player/Squeezebox2.pm line 646)
frame 2: Slim::Player::Squeezebox2::failedDirectStream
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player/Squeezebox.pm line 1057)
frame 3: Slim::Player::Squeezebox::stream
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player/Squeezebox.pm line 201)
frame 4: Slim::Player::Squeezebox::play
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player/Transporter.pm line 139)
frame 5: Slim::Player::Transporter::play
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player/Source.pm line 509)
frame 6: Slim::Player::Source::playmode
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player/Source.pm line 969)
frame 7: Slim::Player::Source::skipahead
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player/Source.pm line 694)
frame 8: Slim::Player::Source::__ANON__
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Plugin/Slacker/ProtocolHandler.pm line 230)
frame 9: Slim::Plugin::Slacker::ProtocolHandler::gotNextTrack
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Networking/SimpleAsyncHTTP.pm line 340)
frame 10: Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP::onBody
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Networking/Async/HTTP.pm line 467)
frame 11: Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_read_body
(/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 248)
frame 12: (eval) (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line
frame 13: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::select
(/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 531)
frame 14: main::idle (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 481)
frame 15: main::main (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 1043)

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