I subscribe to a load of podcasts on my Android phone which I play in
the car or via headphones when I'm out and about. I'd like to be able to
play them on my Squeezebox devices at home and be synced so that I can
restart podcast playlist where I left off etc

I've tried various phone apps which claim to emulate Airplay but without
success. I cannot root my phone as various other things would stop

How do other folks use podcasts on Squeezeboxes?


RaspberryPi3 server running Raspbian & LMS 7.9, USB hard drive
Lounge - Pi2 running piCoreplayer 4 connected via Toslink to Cambridge
Audio DACMagic 100, Linn LP12/Ekos/Troika, Naim NAC102, Linn Tunebox
crossover, 4 x Naim NAP250 power amps with Avondale Audio 2018 mods,
Linn Keltik active isobarik speakers
Office - Squeezebox Boom
Kitchen - Squeezebox Boom
Sunroom - Squeezebox Boom
Bedroom - Squeezebox Radio x2 plus another in en-suite
Dining Room - SB3 & small computer speakers
jeremy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3000
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=109363

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