I too have a netdrive and being a Linux incompetent (and scared of
command lines) do not know how to upgrade the slimserver to 6.2 so it
will run with my upgraded squeezeboxes, however I do know the logins
for the black box:

UID: root
PWD: marvin

My netdrive is sitting idle now as I have an old blue iMac with a 160GB
drive running OSX 10.4 and Slimserver 6.2. All seems to work fine too,
and easier to manage, however I would like to resurrect the martian as
it was a cool device. Can it be easily reinstalled with a more advanced
version of Unix with a GUI? Have plugged in screen and keyboard with no
problem but when that command line interface pops up I don't know what
to do next!

Anyway, hope the logins help.

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