On 11/15/05, Dan Sully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
* Ben Sandee shaped the electrons to say...

>Why? I can make my APE tags look exactly like my FLAC tags. This isn't the case w/ID3.

You aren't writing (or modifiying) the MP3 tag reader program now are you? :)

It slows things down to check for multiple types of tags in a file.

Also - which one wins if there are multiple?

No, I'm not writing the tool.  I'm just not particularly happy with the state of the ID3 tagging software out there though.  It seems like there's always a niche tag that each potential tagger doesn't support properly.  APE is just a command-line tool that works fine for me.  I would only use APE for cases where the ID3v2 tags/taggers just aren't flexible enough.

There's already logic for the multiple tag issues like this (ID3v2 wins out over ID3v1, right?).  I would assume APEv2 would take priority over ID3v2 which would take priority over ID3v1.  I understand the performance issue though (it takes 3 minutes for my 800mhz athlon to dump the APE tags from my 12000 mp3's).  This is not something you would want to be active for everyone because so very few people are interested at all.

Are the hooks there for plugin to do this work?


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