benc;159777 Wrote: 
> I'm running an SB1 and an SB3 (both wired) with SlimServer 6.5.0 - 9916
> - Windows XP - EN - cp1252. 
> Everything is fine with the SB3, but the SB1 is really struggling with
> FLAC and MP3 playback. Every two or three minutes the SB1 loses it's
> connection and the music cuts out for about 20 secs. It seems to be
> worse with FLAC than MP3, but does happen with both. I also get a
> dropouts which last less than a second occsionally with the SB1. 
> It's fine playing internet radio through AlienBBC.
> The CPU is 1.8GHz Pentium M and there's plenty of RAM. I've checked the
> event log and there's nothing relevant in there. 
> Any ideas?

If the problem's easy to replicate you could try to eliminate the
network from the equation by wiring the SB1 directly to your server via
a crossover cable.  If you still have trouble the problem is likely in
your software/server.

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