As a newcomer to these forums I would like to say that I enjoy "lurking"
and have learned a lot on the Squeezebox and problems and opinions on
the enjoyment of music almost all of which I was unaware of before. 

I have also been greatly helped in the setting up and operation of my
Squeezebox and music library and now would hate to have to go back to
the old system of inserting music CD's into the HiFi !

I have , however , a mild criticism of the supervision of the Forums .
It seems to me that , unlike other Tech Forums , there is a tolerance of
people "breaking into" other peoples threads with comments like "... Yes
I have a similar problem to that ...." and from which intro they then
proceed to talk about their problem which is frequently sufficiently
different from the OP's thread to really require a separate Post with
its own separate heading.

This habit is pretty seriously frowned upon in other Tech-based Forums
and is quite strictly policed.

What do others think , I wonder?

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