I have around 22.000 songs and 1600 albums in my library.

As I installed the latest 7.0a nightly yesterday and did a
wipe-and-rescan as always, I noticed that the scan stalled at around
4000 songs. More rescans produced wildy varying results, between 3000
and 7000 songs, but still far away from the entire library.

I uninstalled 7.0a1 and reverted to 6.5.0, to no avail -- still stuck
around 4K songs after a wipe-and-rescan.

Since I add albums to my libray almost daily and had been using 6.5.0
for a few days (and various nightlies before that) without a problem, I
figured the issue was in my library somehow. I  moved the last few days'
worth of mp3s outside of the library and did a full rescan -- same

I'm not too sure which variables to check in the Debugging settings to
find out where the scanning process chokes -- I tried d_scan and
d_info, but the log is barely a few lines long with nothing suspicious
as far as I can tell.

Any ideas?


Be seeing you,
Nikk0's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1068
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