I moved my slimserver to a different machine last night and in the
process snagged the lastest server and firmware. The squeezebox
detected and installed the new firmware without difficulty. However,
upon reboot I found that I could not longer get a wireless connection.
After much messing around I discovered that my WEP key had been cleared
as part of the upgrade process. 

This was no disaster I just had to re-enter it, but I did burn a bunch
of time figuring it out. So if your squeezebox just stops talking to
your network after an upgrade, don't waste time, check the WEP key.

As a feature request: It would be nice if the squeezebox would indicate
on the display that it has has an invalid wireless key, instead of just
saying "connected", but allowing no network traffic. Technically it is
connected, because it has associated with the wireless access point,
but it is not functional until it has "authorized" itself. 

Status messages indicating "connecting", "connected, authorizing",
"authorized, getting dhcp address", etc would be useful.

Still love the product, Thanks!

Yakko's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5217
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23390

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