I own an SB3 since a couple of years. Recently I have been thinking
about doing some mods to it. I have another thread running on that. But
an alternative I’m also looking at is to hook the SB3 up to a descent
DAC. I was wondering what DAC’s people are using with their SB3’s and

So I invited everyone to post information on your DAC together with the
motivation why this particular device was chosen.

Personally I’m looking at the mini DAC from Apogee

•       Apogee is a pro-audio manufacturer with very good reputation in the
pro-audio world
•       The mini DAC seems like a very good partner for the SB3
•       I could hook up other digital sources such as my DAT or a CD player

What are your thoughts on this unit?

Pascal Hibon
Pascal Hibon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7969
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=49316

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