Problems with wireless connection seem common, so I reckon it's time for
a wiki entry. I haven't added anything yet, but am posting a first
attempt here for corrections and improvements.

Here goes.

Many people have no problems connecting wirelessly, but quite a few
have issues. There are two main places where problems can occur.

1. Failure to connect to the network.
2.Failure to find SlimServer.

The Squeezebox needs to get an address from the DHCP server (which is
usually the router). A correct address will usually begin with 198.162.
An address beginning with 169 is one that a device assigns itself when
it is unable to connect to the DHCP server.

A common cause of failure to connect is an incorrect password for an
encrypted network. The Squeezebox does not show spaces at the end of
the password, and it is easy to include these by error. You should test
your network by turning encryption off temporarily. It is also possible
that the network is set only to make connection to devices with
specified MAC addresses, but this is not a default and should only
happen if you have chosen to make this setting. Some routers don't work
well with the Squeezebox, see the router section of the wiki.

2. If the Squeezebox has connected to the network but still cannot find
the SlimServer, a probable cause is a firewall on your computer. Try
turning the firewall off, though in some cases the firewall needs to be
uninstalled to enable the connection, and it can be reinstalled later.
If this is the problem, you can set the firewall to accept traffic on
the ports needed by the Squeezebox, which are 3483 (both TCP and UDP)
and 9000 (TCP). For safety, if you are disabling or uninstalling the
firewall, disconnect the router from the internet if possible.

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