
I loaded iTunes 7 and everything seemed fine.

Added some new tracks (wav's converted to mp3's in iTunes, I know I
shouldn't do that for quality reasons but I did, and a CD rip) and then
set SlimServer to rescan for new and changed music. Didn't find any of
the new files.

Then set it to completely rescan and the whole library on SlimServer
has now emptied itself. The scan stops almost immediately, i.e. it
looks like it thinks there's nothing to find.

Did try to scan directly to the folder where the music is but this
threw up some very weird problems, including not reading the tags
right. All tags should be ID3 v2.4 as I made iTunes convert the tags.
Not happy with this solution anyway as I use iTunes playlists.

Never had this trouble before, it's totally new to iTunes 7 and I can
only think that there is a problem reading the XML file (which is
enormous at 8.81MG).

I sent an email to Support but thought this might also be of interest
to others. Looks like there are various issues going on.

Any chance that SlimServer could start accessing the .itl database file


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