Thanks to all for the replies.
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Dogberry2 wrote:
> Is there a Windows-based player that allows you to set the LMS port,
> rather than always defaulting to 9000? It would also be nice if it let
> you put in the network DNS name, rather than just an IP address.
> SqueezePlay is nice, but it doesn't do either of those things. I'm
The SqueezePlay config files are located in
%APPDATA%\SqueezePlay - typically
BUT have you considered using Greg Dawson's SqueezeLite-X on the PC -
Squeezelite-x and Neorouter works great for me.
SB Touch optical to Hegel H90, Boston Acoustics A26
Spare SB3
AirPlay Bridge to Audio Pro A10
SB BOOM @work, AUX, Squeeze
The web interface (HTTP) usually runs on port 9000. If you've changed
that (say, to port 80) then it won't matter to SqueezePlay, as it
doesn't use HTTP.
The -only- way I'd consider port forwarding to LMS through a home
firewall is if it's restricted to a single remote IP address, and you
know t
Dogberry2 wrote:
> Is there a Windows-based player that allows you to set the LMS port,
> rather than always defaulting to 9000? It would also be nice if it let
> you put in the network DNS name, rather than just an IP address.
> SqueezePlay is nice, but it doesn't do either of those things. I'm
FYI dont portforward LMS trough your router .!
Main hifi: Rasbery PI digi+ MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98D