Re: [slim] Boom Radio

2021-02-17 Thread slartibartfast

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Do the links that you are copying have 3 consecutive dots in them?
> If yes then you have copied the forum representation of the link rather
> than the link itself.
> Right-click on it and copy the link instead.
> However, since "Boom Radio" is in TuneIn then all you have to do is
> search for it in the Radio Search section.For some reason Tunein doesn't 
> offer the 192kbps stream.

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Re: [slim] Need Help with a Curious USB A to B Cable with Squeezeite Settings

2021-02-22 Thread slartibartfast

scslite wrote: 
> Yes squeezlite works with the generic cable and another USB cable I have
> which is a BBQ Full Rack similar design to the Curious with an isolated
> power line. 
> The logs do show something with the Curious is bad but what?  I have not
> tried another OS on the RPi but may try it as it's also one of the
> suggested tips on the Curious FAQ.
> As for pins I carefully pulled them up on the RPi to ensure a snug fit
> of the cable but made no difference.
> BTW, good suggestion.  Will send the log files to Curious as well. 
> Also, how do I do this?  "enable monitor udev actions/triggers with
> udevadm"If other cables work with your Pi then changing the OS isn't going to

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Re: [slim] SB3 quality of headphone output...

2021-02-22 Thread slartibartfast

pablolie wrote: 
> Thank you - guess I'll unearth my old Creek headphone amp, I know it's
> in one of my moving boxes :-DIt look like it depends on how hard the 
> headphones are to drive. What is
the impedance of your headphones? My Grado SR60s are only 32 Ohms but
Sennheisers tend to be much higher.

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Re: [slim] Need Help with a Curious USB A to B Cable with Squeezeite Settings

2021-02-23 Thread slartibartfast

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> How can a couple of connectors with a few wires between them not work?Maybe 
> the cable deemed the Raspberry Pi not worthy. [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] Force mobile view

2021-02-23 Thread slartibartfast

jeroen2 wrote: 
> Normally the interface should switch to mobile view automagically. But
> if it doesn't you could use this URL:
> -http://:9000/material/?layout=mobile-I think he is talking about 
> the forum not LMS [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] Balance

2021-02-25 Thread slartibartfast

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Similarly for volume control ... but LMS has that.
> Edit:
> I take that back.
> Volume control from LMS is usually an instruction to the player to
> increase/reduce volume although I expect it can be done in LMS via SOX
> or something.My old Marantz CD player had two sets of outputs, one fixed and 
> one
variable [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] American album reviews

2021-02-27 Thread slartibartfast

d6jg wrote: 
> That’s exactly how music should be discovered. 
> AWB were, at least in their early days, about as funky as you could be
> even though they were from Scotland and not Detroit. Have you heard
> Icelandic funk band Jaguar?You probably couldn't call a band "Average White 
> Band" today.

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Re: [slim] Graphic Visualiser

2021-02-27 Thread slartibartfast

atca wrote: 
> installed jivelite, exactly what I was looking for but the spectrum
> analyser didn't work.
> I tried it at several different resolutions and size and just nothing
> :(
> Trying to compile squeezeplay now and will try that instead.Which skin did 
> you choose for Jivelite? Joggler skin should definitely

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Re: [slim] Spotify to offer Lossless Streaming

2021-02-28 Thread slartibartfast

mcduman wrote: 
> actually, everything about cd format was kind of arbitrary in order to
> fit Beethoven's 9th in one single portable cd.
> ( it
> could have been 14 or 20 bits depending on how much fit in one cd. i am
> sure all the engineers from sony and philips from those days are
> surprised that whatever they came up with 40 years ago are still the
> high watermark of audio technology today. i am, for sure.
> more of every thing in technology from cpu power to screen resolution is
> good, whether you need it or not. but when it comes to audio resolution,
> less is good. how can this be true?Your link is more about the physical size 
> of the CD to achieve 74
minutes than the resolution or sampling frequency.

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Re: [slim] Spotify to offer Lossless Streaming

2021-02-28 Thread slartibartfast

philchillbill wrote: 
> They only went on to do SACD for marketing reasons, not technical. If
> people will buy bottled leprechaun pee then some entrepreneur will
> bottle it because there are buyers for it. 
> I never understood the fascination with vinyl over CD. Don’t people hear
> the surface noise of the needle in the groove? The noise floor is
> abysmally high with vinyl. But the golden ears accept that as
> non-disturbing. Makes one wonder...They also use a different master for SACD 
> etc to make absolutely sure
you can tell the difference [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] Balance

2021-03-01 Thread slartibartfast

frankd wrote: 
> Hi Ralphy,
> I would be interested in patches for the radio and Touch for the
> official firmware. I tried the new firmware with one radio , however
> some patches I used in the past will not work with the new firmware,
> even when modifying the supported versions of the patches (orange
> highlight). I didn't try the custom dim patches on the new firmware, but
> expect a failure too
> BTW - Thanks for delivering so many great contributions to the
> Squeezebox universum...

The custom brightness patch works. I think I needed to add the
repository for it to show up in the patch list.

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Re: [slim] Balance

2021-03-02 Thread slartibartfast

Will balance be maintained as volume is changed?

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Re: [slim] New Music on LMS compared to ozher systems like (air)(sub)sonic

2021-03-09 Thread slartibartfast

mamema wrote: 
> i just recently entered the musicip mixing area (again), so perhaps now
> replaygain would come into play.
> What would be the correct value then? Until now i was listening to
> complete albumsWhat do you mean by "correct value"?

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Re: [slim] possible to reverse L/R channels on a digital optical (TOSlink) connection?

2021-03-09 Thread slartibartfast

d6jg wrote: 
> If the player was a Pi under Player / Audio / Polarity Inversion - I
> think this will solve your issue - not sure whether the setting is
> available for SB2 or other SB PlayersI wouldn't have thought polarity 
> inversion would swop left and right
channels. Doesn't it mean your speaker would suck instead of blow

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Re: [slim] possible to reverse L/R channels on a digital optical (TOSlink) connection?

2021-03-09 Thread slartibartfast

kidstypike wrote: 
> Just tried this on a Pi, playing a channel identifier track, reversing
> the polarity makes no difference to the let/right channels.
> 33724I remember a HiFi magazine producing a list of albums that they reckoned
sounded better with reversed polarity and recommending readers to test
all their albums to produce their own list.

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Re: [slim] possible to reverse L/R channels on a digital optical (TOSlink) connection?

2021-03-09 Thread slartibartfast

kidstypike wrote: 
> I remember that from many (many) years ago, advocating wiring the the
> tweeter out of phase to the bass driver.I had a pair of Musical Fidelity MC2 
> speakers and had them for years
before I realised one of the speakers had the woofer wired backwards. I
phoned Musical Fidelity to complain and they apologised and asked me to
send them back for repair. I explained I could fix it myself and maybe
they should have spotted it before letting them leave the factory. 
You would think it would have been obvious there was an issue but I
didn't notice until I removed the woofers for a reason I can't recall
now [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] Favorite Internet Radio Station will No Longer Play on Logitech Media Server!

2021-03-11 Thread slartibartfast

Matt Hooper wrote: 
> Thanks.
> That would be disappointing as the Proton stream I'm used to listening
> to has been higher bitrate.All the Proton streams found on RadioNet are also 
> 128 kbps. What was the
URL of the stream you were using?

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Re: [slim] Unsupported Sample Rate

2021-03-12 Thread slartibartfast

There was a recent change to convert.conf to downsample this type of
stream for the Radio so that should also work for the SB3. It is
definitely in the latest 8.2 but not sure about other versions. 

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Re: [slim] Unsupported Sample Rate

2021-03-12 Thread slartibartfast

bpa wrote: 
> The change to support the transcode for FLac for different sample rates
> for internet stream wasn't committed until recently although it had been
> discussed for months.
> Issue #411 lfrom Aug2020
> is also only in 8.2.

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Re: [slim] Unsupported Sample Rate

2021-03-12 Thread slartibartfast

Heuer wrote: 
> Nope, still the same error message with proxied streaming. I thought LMS
> transcoded the audio to suit the player. I am listening to 192Khz 24 bit
> FLAC needle drops on the SB3 without problem.The radio stream is OGG FLAC.

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Re: [slim] How do I "restart" Logitech Media Server?

2021-03-14 Thread slartibartfast

mps wrote: 
> While I like that LMS offers to restart after installing/updating a
> plugin, there are other times I want to restart as well. Is there some
> way to restart on demand?In material skin you can do it from server 
> settings.[image:]

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Re: [slim] How do I "restart" Logitech Media Server?

2021-03-14 Thread slartibartfast

mps wrote: 
> I can restart it by ssh’ing into my Linux NAS, but that requires me to
> be on my computer and just generally feels like overkill. Is there some
> way to do it from the web interface (other than installing a plugin?)Does 
> that mean you don't want to install Material skin?

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Re: [slim] Show which function is active - what, as it were, is feeding the queue?

2021-03-19 Thread slartibartfast

thniels wrote: 
> No; we are switching back to LMS after a few unhappy years of Sonos and
> a two year Roon adventure. So, it's simply a matter of getting the
> smoothest and most minimalistic setup possible. 
> It is my profession, though, so I must admit that I was considering
> looking into writing a plugin to do it. It must have been at least 10
> years since I last looked at the API, so I don't expect this to be
> something easily done by a long-shot :rolleyes:. And certainly not
> something I'd venture into if there were other, existing means of
> getting the information. In fact, I had begun writing an OpenHome client
> in Xamarin (out of spite) when I accidentally came across Material Skin,
> which effectively lured me back to LMS. Kudos for that and for getting
> me to dig out those old SBs to @cpd73 :o.You can still use your Sonos players 
> with LMS as well [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-25 Thread slartibartfast

I have noticed this happening sometimes as well but never figured out
why or when. In my case it seems to be the volume of a player that is a
member of a group player gets set to zero but only when not in the
group. I'll try to pay more attention if it happens again.

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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-29 Thread slartibartfast

pputzer wrote: 
> I haven't looked at the log file, but it is not unthinkable that iPeng
> is involved. I've recently reported 'strange volume changes in
> conjunction with iPeng'
> (
> Apparently, iPeng is compiled as a music app, which means it has some
> special privileges on iOS (resulting, ahem, emergent and non-intuitive
> interactions with the system).
> Gesendet von iPad mit TapatalkI see volumes suddenly falling to zero and I 
> don't use iPeng.

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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-30 Thread slartibartfast

chill wrote: 
> I think I've seen the kind of interactions that you mentioned in that
> thread.  But I think this is different because I was not actively using
> iPeng (or my phone) at the time.  I'm not certain that iPeng is
> implicated - that's just my inexperienced interpretation of the log
> file.
> I've seen two types of behaviour that I assumed were related, but maybe
> they're not after all.  The first was the volume on one player being set
> to zero at start up, and the other is volume reductions during playback.
> My logfile above is for the latter case.  Have you seen player volume
> dropping to zero during playback, or was it already at zero when you
> started playback (making it the former case)?I haven't seen volumes change 
> after playback has started..I generally
start playback hear nothing and then notice the volume is zero. I have
wondered if Spotify is involved.

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Re: [slim] (Vaguely) Audiophile alternative to Transporter and SB+?

2021-03-30 Thread slartibartfast

ModelCitizen wrote: 
> FYI. That's Witch Hat, the Naim servicing outfit, not Hear Audio. And
> yes, it's a joke and only for the gullible.What are these cables? They look 
> very short.

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Re: [slim] (Vaguely) Audiophile alternative to Transporter and SB+?

2021-03-30 Thread slartibartfast

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Bi-wiring Cables by the look of them
> More like Bi-(Bye-Money)-WiringSo would you use them to replace the brass 
> link if you weren't bi-wiring
your speakers? Wow! In that case they seem quite long.

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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-30 Thread slartibartfast

d6jg wrote: 
> I asked Craig to put an indicator in Material when volume is zero but
> the player being controlled is actually playing - he has implemented as
> a pulse of the volume display.How does that work with group players? The 
> group player volume is 100%
but the players in the group might be 0%.

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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-30 Thread slartibartfast

d6jg wrote: 
> Not sure at all. You’ll need to test/ask Craig. I currently have no
> Group Players to seriously test with.I just tested it and the only way to 
> tell if one of the players in the
group is set to zero volume is to change the displayed player to that
player. So it doesn't help for group players.

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Re: [slim] Replay Gain - do i need True Peak Scanning

2021-04-02 Thread slartibartfast

mamema wrote: 
> until now i haven't used Replay Gain, because was never an issue with my
> setup, now i've added a music system into the mix, which might benefit
> from it.
> So i've tried to learn about the ins and outs of RG.
> I'm using foobar on flac files
> As i have 24bit flacs, the "downsample high res" option in foobar seems
> ok.
> But i haven't found a clear and for me understandable explanation if i
> should use "true peak" scanning.
> I have mostly Jazz and Pop/Rock albums and absolutely no clipping
> loudness war bullshit hit albums
> As my RG scanning would take 11 hours without and 2 days with true peak,
> i'm asking here if i need it.
> At the end the RG will run in a Non-HiFi environment on a Non-Hifi
> rig..I have never used true peak scanning. Try a few test albums with true
peak on and off and see what difference it makes.

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Re: [slim] Replay Gain - do i need True Peak Scanning

2021-04-02 Thread slartibartfast

garym wrote: 
> most of my replaygain tag additions happen when I rip my CDs with
> dbpoweramp. As far as I know, it doesn't use the "peak" option either
> (it doesn't show as an option).  I use foobar2000 to add RG tags post
> rip if I need to (e.g., redoing a multidisk set to treat all of them as
> a single album for purposes of RG).I use Foobar2000 for exactly the same 
> reason. It annoys me to see
different album gains for multi disc albums [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] Identify player help. LMS shows weird Mac and server IP for player (bug?).

2021-04-07 Thread slartibartfast

ModelCitizen wrote: 
> Hello.
> There's a player on my network that I can't identify.
> It'd help if I could gain it's IP and Mac address but the latest version
> of LMS (8.1.1 - 1610364019) list it's details thus:
> Player Model: CastBridge
> Player Type: squeezelite
> Player IP Address:
> Player MAC Address: cc:cc:20:30:26:74
> The only useful info here tells me it's a google device.
> The player IP address listed is the server address and the MAC address
> is malformed.
> It's the same for all the players.
> Is this a bug?
> And. Any idea how I can figure out what/where the mysterious player is?
> I am playing music at top volume on it but can hear nothing in the house
> at all. And I've been to each player.
> Thanks for giving this post any consideration.
> PS. Also on this version the pre-scan of artwork never even manages to
> pre-cache the first artwork but just gets stuck on zero.Do you have any 
> Chromecast devices? 

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Re: [slim] Identify player help. LMS shows weird Mac and server IP for player (bug?).

2021-04-07 Thread slartibartfast

ModelCitizen wrote: 
> Thanks for the replies. I was not sufficiently clear.
> I have a lot of Chromecast devices so uninstalling castbridge is not an
> option. And even if it was that still leaves me unable to identify the
> errant device.
> The issue is hard to solve as I have a fair number of differing devices
> running off LMS throughout the house and in various outbuildings (most
> used but some unused) and teenagers who use the system too.
> BTW. Can anyone confirm that there is a bug in LMS (8.1.1 - 1610364019)
> and that the player details, esp. MAC and IP are not shown correctly? If
> it can be confirmed I'll add it to the bug list (if there is one still).
> Cheers.I am sure this can't be it but if you have a Chromecast plugged into a
TV then if the TV is off or switched to another input then you wouldn't
hear it. 

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Re: [slim] Transporter digital signal transfer question

2021-04-14 Thread slartibartfast

cliveb wrote: 
> As an experiment I tried feeding my TV's toslink output into the
> Transporter's optical input and expected the signal to appear at the
> coax digital output.
> It didn't.
> (It DOES appear at the analogue outputs, so it's not that the toslink
> input isn't working).
> I had (perhaps naively) assumed that the TP would transfer any digital
> input signal to its digital outputs, but that seems not to be the case.
> Unless there's some configuration setting I've missed. Can anyone help?There 
> is a "Digital Inputs" LMS plugin for the transporter.

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Re: [slim] Spotify to offer Lossless Streaming

2021-04-14 Thread slartibartfast

bernt wrote: 
> I've seen people reporting that they get 1411 kbps in there DAC:s then
> streaming from Spotify (Connect?).
> Anyone else noticing it?Spotify tracks are transcoded to PCM or FLAC by LMS. 
> Yours must be set
to PCM.

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Re: [slim] Spotify to offer Lossless Streaming

2021-04-14 Thread slartibartfast

bernt wrote: 
> Yes, but this is from people that don’t use LMS.
> Skickat från min iPhone med TapatalkAh OK. Which DACs display bitrate then? 
> Most just display sample rate.

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Re: [slim] Spotify to offer Lossless Streaming

2021-04-15 Thread slartibartfast

bernt wrote: 
> Don’t know. It’s a discussion about it on two different swedish hifi
> forums right now.
> Skickat från min iPhone med TapatalkMaybe Spotify are testing lossless 
> streaming in Sweden. Don't the
discussions say how they know the bitrate?

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Re: [slim] Spotify to offer Lossless Streaming

2021-04-15 Thread slartibartfast

bernt wrote: 
> It shows in the Dac display. Some say it sound better, some have
> captured the stream and compared it with Tidal and so on.Do you have a link 
> to the thread? I can try Google translate [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] Spotify to offer Lossless Streaming

2021-04-15 Thread slartibartfast

bernt wrote: 
> Interesting 
> thread (Google translate worked perfectly [emoji3]).
The only evidence there appears to be that someone downloaded some files
from Spotify and Qobuz etc and they appeared to be the same. Nobody
actually saw the information on their DAC as far as I can tell.

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Re: [slim] Spotify to offer Lossless Streaming

2021-04-15 Thread slartibartfast

bernt wrote: 
> This is from a Facebook group. You need to be a member I think.
> 34194I see. It wasn't April 1st was it? [emoji1787]. I wonder why Spotify
would stream PCM rather than FLAC.

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Re: [slim] lost apps

2021-04-18 Thread slartibartfast

satkinsn wrote: 
> And just to finish off this thread...
> I ended up installing LMS on an old Win 10 box I have. The Linux box was
> my first choice - see above - but my son may be reclaiming that
> machine.
> The Win 10 box is plenty powerful; an i7 with 16 gigs of ram - it feels
> a little silly to be devoting it to running LMS, so I may at some point
> do something that is more proportional to the task at hand, a new Pi4 as
> some have suggested, or a less capable, salvaged desktop/laptop.
> One oddity; I tried but could not get 8.1.1 to install. The installer
> complained about compatibility problems, so I dropped back to 7.7.
> Anyway, problem worked around. Thanks all.
> s.The only issue I have seen when installing LMS 8.x on Windows 10 is that
anti virus programs often block it as it is seen as an uncommon exe

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Re: [slim] Multiple libaries?

2021-04-18 Thread slartibartfast

ModelCitizen wrote: 
> Hmmm.
> Following your instructions to the letter (number of times) a search for
> D:\Music or D:\Pauls Music finds nothing ('0 results' instantly..
> although I did wait for a long time just in case this changed). I
> checked out other searches and they all worked fine (and very fast too).
> I'm a bit stumped. There is nothing odd about my D drive. It is a
> physical drive and it's a true path.
> Not that it should matter but I am using 8.1.1.
> 3424034241|It doesn't appear to work for me either. I copied and pasted the 
> path
into the advanced search "Path starts with" box and see no results.

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Re: [slim] Multiple libaries?

2021-04-18 Thread slartibartfast

ModelCitizen wrote: 
> Hmmm.
> Following your instructions to the letter (number of times) a search for
> D:\Music or D:\Pauls Music finds nothing ('0 results' instantly..
> although I did wait for a long time just in case this changed). I
> checked out other searches and they all worked fine (and very fast too).
> I'm a bit stumped. There is nothing odd about my D drive. It is a
> physical drive and it's a true path.
> Not that it should matter but I am using 8.1.1.
> 3424034241|Did you search for Path "starts with" or "contains"? I had more 
> luck
with "contains".

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Re: [slim] Multiple libaries?

2021-04-18 Thread slartibartfast

kidstypike wrote: 
> Well, I did put "contains" in my instructions. :cool:I obviously didn't read 
> properly [emoji3]. Why does "starts with" fail

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Re: [slim] new music listing

2021-04-18 Thread slartibartfast

dbinder101 wrote: 
> Is there a setting to tell LMS to only include New Music albums if the
> date is newer than a certain date or to limit the number of albums to
> something besides the 100 default?Yes[image:]

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Re: [slim] Multiple libaries?

2021-04-18 Thread slartibartfast

ModelCitizen wrote: 
> In an attempt to negate any vagaries I renamed the music folders to
> MyMusic and PaulsStuff.
> Using just the directory names as search terms I successfully set up the
> two libraries. (Only one small issue, on 8.1.1 selecting the libraries
> is arrived at via three small dots and not a note icon).
> My worry about not being able to select libraries via the Orange android
> app appears valid but it doesn't matter as the Material skin works
> brilliantly on my mobile (all kudos to the designer!).
> So kidstypike, thanks very much for that. All in all a bit of a
> revelation.
> The pubs are open(ish), the sun is out and my Dac32 turned up too
> looks like being a good week.Are you saying you don't see the note icon after 
> you click on My Music?
In Orange Squeeze you can select "Library Views" to change libraries.
Maybe you need to select that as an option in the "Additional Browse
Modes" plugin.[image:][image:]

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Re: [slim] replay gain recommendations?

2021-04-22 Thread slartibartfast

wcndave wrote: 
> Hi, that link indicates that the tags are:
> I use MediaMonkey to manage everything these days, and I had a very
> quiet album, so had a look, and the tags showing in mediainfo are:
> Album_ReplayGain_Gain
> ReplayGain_Gain
> ReplayGain_Peak
> Do you know what the actual tags are that LMS is using?
> Thanks, DaveDo your replaygain tags work with LMS?

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Re: [slim] replay gain recommendations?

2021-04-23 Thread slartibartfast

wcndave wrote: 
> That's what I was asking, will they work.  I can obviously do a test,
> however I thought it might be documented somewhere more up to date than
> the original slim page.
> I also don't really want to add another step in the process.  Rip with
> DBPA, manage with MediaMonkey.
> Thanks, Dave

I have no idea about MediaMonkey tags but mine look like this. If your
files already have tags it is an easy test to do. You could ask
MediaMonkey why their tags are different to both dbpoweramp and Foobar

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Re: [slim] Live Music Archive

2021-04-27 Thread slartibartfast

Apesbrain wrote: 
> Looks like you install it on both and via LMS plugins
> tab; at least that's what worked for me.  It can then be found in
> Material under "Apps".  There appear to be no other settings.Does it actually 
> work though? It didn't the last time I tried it.

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Re: [slim] Live Music Archive

2021-04-27 Thread slartibartfast

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Generally ... it works.
> There are some that fail to play - but I just tried the first 4 under "
> Live Music Archive | Recent Additions" and the top one failed but the
> other 4 played with multiple tracks each.I wonder when it started working 
> again. It wasn't working at all 4 years

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Re: [slim] Live Music Archive

2021-04-27 Thread slartibartfast

garym wrote: 
> Yeah, I haven't tried it in many years because it had quit working at
> all for me.I am just about to reinstall it and try again

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Re: [slim] Live Music Archive

2021-04-27 Thread slartibartfast

garym wrote: 
> I just installed on and the local LMS via plugin.
> Working on every band I tried.  Metadata OK with default webGUI.The latest 
> recent addition from 2020 doesn't work and there are no other
new additions since 2015 but apart from that it works again.

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Re: [slim] Live Music Archive

2021-04-27 Thread slartibartfast

Paul Webster wrote: 
> However, what is shown in the plugin does not reflect the current status
> on the site
> said there was an 
> issue with updating. The only addition since
2015 doesn't play.

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Re: [slim] Streaming to an old Tivoli Model One radio...

2021-04-28 Thread slartibartfast

bpa wrote: 
> Same here - Mono option doesn't show for SB receiver, Boom, Squeezelite
> or DAC32. Perhaps it is Radio or Touch feature.The feature was added to 
> squeezelite fairly recently.

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-28 Thread slartibartfast

LontTimeDummy wrote: 
> No.
> Images attached.34456
> 34457What happens if you tap My Music on the Touch?

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Re: [slim] Setting Up LMS On A Raspberry Pi 4B

2021-04-28 Thread slartibartfast

kidstypike wrote: 
> I assume it's the same as you did with the Touch.
> Using a controller (or your Touch), select one of your receivers and
> select "My Music".And if that doesn't work reset them and start from scratch.

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Re: [slim] OT - variables in CD ripping speed

2021-04-30 Thread slartibartfast

Slow ripping is often associated with noisy discs as if they aren't
perfectly balanced and vibrate.

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Re: [slim] New Logitech Squeezebox 2020 Edition

2021-05-18 Thread slartibartfast

NFLnut wrote: 
> I don't come to the forum as much as I used to (not enough time anymore)
> and just saw your reply ..
> I too constantly go through a guilt phase where I KNOW that my Alexa
> speakers are always spying on me. And my "smart" speakers still keep
> getting dumber and less useful every week. I (probably more than)
> occasionally go through the "rip all of these worthless "smart" speakers
> out of my house" phase. I guess my only caveat was that "hey, my Android
> phone(s) always has a Google speaker (microphone) on .. so, I'm already
> being spied on." But yeah .. my trust issues (I really have no trust)
> with these behemoth tech companies is getting close to nil. The "rip
> out" phase may come sooner than later. And yes .. the audio quality
> (there is none) is much, much less than the convenience factor really
> affords. I prefer to listen through my towers when I can. Squeezebox
> platform is still my every day driver.I just use my Alexa to turn my 
> Squeezebox and Amplifier on and off

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Re: [slim] Logitech is done making Harmony remotes

2021-05-21 Thread slartibartfast

fletch wrote: 
> Support thought they remote was broken and told me to send it back.   
> The remotes are great once setup.. just the setup software and their
> tech support is very poor.

Have you ever known any tech support to be good? They generally aren't
remotely technical and follow a script. The only tech support worth the
name is from engineers who know the products inside out. 

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-22 Thread slartibartfast

jouteur wrote: 
> Sorry the picture is misleading you, I just clicked on the favorites,
> indead a mp3 radio was playing.
> But those favorite links used to show images fine.How did you add Spotify 
> tracks to your favourites? If I add one it shows
the track name and image not the Spotify ID.

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-22 Thread slartibartfast

jouteur wrote: 
> I am not at home now, but I think I do it with the logitech SQUEEZEBOX
> TOUCH, when a playlist is running I can put it on favorite easy.
> I can probably do it from the LMS plateform too I am pretty sureOK saving a 
> favourite from a playing playlist on my Radio or from the
LMS queue shows the green Spotify symbol as an image for me. I still see
the track name though. If I save a favourite directly from the Spotty
menu system I see the correct image. Which skin are you using to show
favourites? My default skin doesn't look like that.[image:]

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-22 Thread slartibartfast

jouteur wrote: 
> A folder? 
> I think I use the default skin of the touchYour favourites are in a folder 
> called "Bachata" I just added mine to
the main Favourites list. I don't think it makes a difference. I am
surprised that you don't see any image at all next to the favourites. If
an image is not available I would expect to see the "Antenna" image. I
would also expect to see the track name instead of the Spotify URL.

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Re: [slim] Multiple piCorePlayer on RPI with USB Ethernet adapter, all with same MAC address

2021-05-28 Thread slartibartfast

ClaudeBoulard wrote: 
> Hi,
> all is in the title : I'm trying to build an network of pcp, each
> running on a RPI zero.
> These RPIs have no WiFi, so they have a USB to Ethernet adapter.
> The issue is that, each adapter has the same MAC address (!). After
> searching in forums this seems to be rather common with cheap adapters.
> This disturbs of course the Ethernet switch that connects all the RPIs.
> I managed to get the system to work, by adding on each RPI a command
> executed at boot time (in /opt/ which sets the adapter MAC
> address :
> sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether NEW_MAC_ADDRESS
> The NEW_MAC_ADDRESS is different for each RPI.
> I've also put this command in the user commands (pcp menu, Tweaks/User
> commands).
> These tricks are not fully stable : sometimes I have to start a RPI
> twice, because at first boot the adapter gets its original MAC address
> and not the new one.
> I've also tried to set the MAC address from the 'Squeezelite Settings'
> in the pcp menu, but this doesn't change the address (maybe it's only
> for WiFi connection ?).
> I consider 2 options :
> - replace my adapters with standard compliant ones (so with a different
> MAC address for each adapter),
> - replace my Ethernet switch by a managed switch (seems that with a
> managed switch I could set the IP address of each connected device, from
> it's port number on the switch).
> But a software solution is preferred.
> Maybe my command (added in /opt/ is too late in the boot
> process.
> Any suggestion is welcome.
> ClaudeThere is an option in Squeezelite settings to set a new MAC address.

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-30 Thread slartibartfast

jouteur wrote: 
> It has worked for sure. Tonight i will rzinstall picore ane lms. You
> will see it will work. CheersI finally understand what you are doing. You are 
> not saving individual
tracks from a Spotify playlist as favourites you are saving the entire
Spotify playlist as a favourite. In that case I see the same as you and
would also be surprised if reinstalling changes the behaviour.

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-30 Thread slartibartfast

jouteur wrote: 
> damn I reinstalled and nothing, I am pretty sure I worked
> anyhown how do you add it to your favorites then?
> cheersAt first I was saving individual tracks from a playing Spotify playlist
to favourites. When you do that the artwork and the track title both
appear in the favourite. 

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-31 Thread slartibartfast

Man in a van wrote: 
> It might depend on the length of the playlist :confused:
> 34868
> ronnieYou can save a Spotify playlist as a favourite but the point is that
images and song titles don't appear in the browse window if you enter
the playlist[image:]

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-31 Thread slartibartfast

Man in a van wrote: 
> Ahh, gotchya :)
> It's not a big deal, really ? is it, once one presses play, the window
> shows tha album art :)I can only imagine it being an issue if you wanted to 
> play a particular
track from the playlist but then you could load the complete playlist
and scroll down to it. 

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-31 Thread slartibartfast

jouteur wrote: 
> yeah the playlist from spotty is like 4 clics awayI just looked at the 
> Spotify official app to see how easy it is to play
playlists from there and and I can't even figure out where to find
playlists [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-31 Thread slartibartfast

jouteur wrote: 
> go to bibliotheque...(library in english)
> I am blody lost in that thread and I have so much stuff to do todayI only see 
> four playlists there.
Discover Weekly
Rock Classics
The Ones That Got Away
Release Radar

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-31 Thread slartibartfast

jouteur wrote: 
> yeah the playlist from spotty is like 4 clics awayIf you follow a Spotify 
> playlist you can reach it in 3 clicks from
Spotty, only one more click than from favourites [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] Album images not showiing up in LMS

2021-05-31 Thread slartibartfast

jouteur wrote: 
> from squeezer app it is damn long to open up them allIf you use Material skin 
> you can add Spotty to the main menu.

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Re: [slim] Multiple piCorePlayer on RPI with USB Ethernet adapter, all with same MAC address

2021-06-01 Thread slartibartfast

ClaudeBoulard wrote: 
> Hello,
> Yes I've tried to reboot after the change, but with no luck.I realised that 
> wouldn't work after seeing the post after mine.

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Re: [slim] Can't shuffle

2021-06-01 Thread slartibartfast

IamDan wrote: 
> Ive tried with the default and material. My logs seem to be full of
> errors but nothing I can see. Am I allowed to post the logs here?Yes just 
> attach the server log to a post. I just tried this and noticed
that if you are playing a random mix then shuffle doesn't work. What
were you playing?

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Re: [slim] Continual prompt for restart on Plugins settings page

2021-06-11 Thread slartibartfast

Probably due to this.

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Re: [slim] MS to end Windows 10 support

2021-06-15 Thread slartibartfast

Raymond Woodward wrote: 
> Microsoft have announced the date they will cease Windows 10 Home and
> Pro support.
> They are due to make an announcement on what the next version of the
> operating system will be on June 24th @ 16:00 BST.I thought they said Windows 
> 10 would go on forever [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] MS to end Windows 10 support

2021-06-15 Thread slartibartfast

bpa wrote: 
> They did but could this backfire with fewer users upgrading and going
> for other options such as iPads.We'll find out on 24th June.

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Re: [slim] ASUS ZenWifi AX (XT8) firmware upgrade disconnects my squeezeboxes

2021-06-23 Thread slartibartfast

Bjorn Bornstedt wrote: 
> Thanks
> I switched Channel Bandwidth from 20/40 Mhz to 20 Mhz and Control
> Channel from auto to channel 5.
> None of these settings are new with the f/w release that caused the
> error but anyways...
> Note sure what you mean by roaming?Probably not important but Channel 5 is an 
> unusual choice. Normally 1,6
and 11 are recommended.

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Re: [slim] Machine to use for LMS and Duet

2021-06-27 Thread slartibartfast

anglecard48 wrote: 
> Yes, two years is probably about right. Hey, it gives a retired guy like
> me something to get tripped up on, which is good.
> I'm very honked off at my SB Duet right now and don't even want to look
> at it. I do look forward to the piCorePlayer on a Pi. But I'm thinking
> maybe I may want to use a remote other than the SB Duet Controller.
> So I looked at some posts and came across the likes of this: "you can
> add a small IR receiver to the GPIOs on the Pi you might need an extra
> resistor"
> Yikes. Maybe I should keep the SB Controller.Assuming you have a smart phone 
> use Material skin.

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Re: [slim] Tapatalk disabled due to vulnerability issues

2021-07-01 Thread slartibartfast

mherger wrote: 
> I'm sorry to say that I decided to disable Tapatalk support for this
> forum. We've had multiple vulnerabilities reported which were caused by
> their plugin. Yet they've decided not to update it in over a year. They
> did not even respond to my reports any more. I don't want to put this
> forum at risk. Therefore you'll have to use the web UI again if you want
> to use this forum on your mobile.Shame as Tapatalk is by far the easiest way 
> to navigate the forum and
get notifications of new posts.

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Re: [slim] Reinstalling LMS: How to keep preferences?

2021-07-01 Thread slartibartfast

ModelCitizen wrote: 
> I've had various attempts with Squeezeserver and linux over the last two
> decades, none of them successful and all of which took up shed loads of
> my time. So I'm not going there.
> Next step for me is likely to be with be Polyvector's DAC32 Gateway (and
> yes, I know it's Linux), when the price for 1tb SD cards comes down
> Anyway. I tried it by just copying over server.prefs and the castbridge
> and upnpbridge config files but it wasn't successful and led to a bit of
> a mess. Copying over the whole of C:\Program Data\Squeezebox was though
> and now I'm good to go.
> Thanks.

PiCorePlayer is straightforward enough.

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-06 Thread slartibartfast

KeBul wrote: 
> For me, without a PC monitor available, I use my TV - easy to pull the
> HDMI cable out from the back of my cable box or Blu-Ray player and plug
> that into the RPi HDMI port, power on the TV change it's input to the
> correct HDMI port and then power up the RPi.

With the Pi4 you need a micro HDMI adaptor so it isn't quite so easy.

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-06 Thread slartibartfast

anglecard48 wrote: 
> Again, you people are terrific, Thanks so much for all your help.
> After this morning's attempts I got in touch with the shop I bought the
> Raspberry Pi from, I'd hope to hear back from them soon.
> This morning's attempt are summarized here:
> Today I went over to the Walmart and bought another SD card and burned
> pCP onto it using a Windows version of USBImager.  In other words, sort
> of started over with a couple new players. No success.
> So I plugged in a 4 GB SD card and burned Raspberry Lite OS onto it to
> see if the RP would connect to my network with that installed rather
> than pCP. No success.
> I thought maybe I'm just not seeing RP in my list of connected devices
> so I had my Internet provider take a look. No, it was not showing up.
> And I made sure that the ethernet cable and socket were proven to work
> (I pulled the cable out of the back of my functioning Roku and used it).
> When I power up the Raspberry Pi a solid red LED comes on and a green
> LED flashes intermittently, irregularly and then goes dark and stays
> dark.
> I will leave this in's Customer Support court for the rest of
> the day. I still have a few ideas from you that I can and will try. But
> want to hear from Customer Support first.
> Onward!Does your router allow new devices to connect? MAC address filtering?

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Re: [slim] Timer on a Laptop for Sllep Function

2021-07-07 Thread slartibartfast

agbagb wrote: 
> I'm a big user of Alarms and Sleep on LMS and assorted Devices.  I also
> like to have a BBC Radio stream running when I go to bed, and I set the
> device (Radio) to turn off after 90 minutes.
> I'm away from homes for a few days, and am trying to replicate this on
> my PC laptop.  I go to the Beeb website, and runa live stream.  But how
> to get it to turn itself off after 90 mins is defeating me.  I'm sure
> I've done it before, and that it was easy
> But, the various power opetions in Win10 are - unless I'm being a mug -
> defeated by the fact that the radio stream is running.  Win10 thinks the
> machine is active, and all the Auto OFF functions seem to kick in only
> when the machine is juged inactive..  And there's no timer I can find
> withing the BBC stream player, or the browser (F'Fox or Chrome).
> Ideas, including staring-me-in-the-face ones?

The Android app for BBC Sounds has a sleep timer but I can't find one in
a web browser.

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-10 Thread slartibartfast

anglecard48 wrote: 
> I am truly an idiot.
> I am now looking at the piCorePlayer that's installed on an SD card I
> burned and is inserted in my Raspberry Pi. See screen shot for
> verification.
> Yesterday, when I had bothered all of you generous people saying I could
> not connect the RPi to my network and hooking up an HDMI monitor did not
> solve the problem, I had omitted one very important step. I had not
> connected the RPi to my router.
> What I did when I received the micro HDMI cable is I excitedly took my
> RPi and SD card to my most accessible TV and plugged it in and saw no
> connection in the display text. I tried other cards and no card with the
> same result. I thought I would see there a url with the RPi's network
> address.
> I had mistakenly understood that the RPi / piCorePlayer somehow would
> have a network address, I guess, imbedded or maybe it would
> automatically connect wirelessly. I had previously, as you know, tried
> to connect RPi to my network by ethernet cables into router sockets but
> with no HDMI display and could not see it on my list of devices
> connected to my network.
> Last night I shot upright in bed at 2:38 a.m. thinking what if the
> network address is only accessed if the device is plugged in - via
> ethernet - to the network? In other words it isn't something imbedded or
> gotten via a wireless connection. I should have taken the TV to the
> router and RPi not the RPi to the TV.
> So, this morning I took the smallest TV in the house to the router,
> hooked up RPi with SD card to the TV, ethernet to router, and turned all
> on and viola.
> I feel like a complete halfwit. I apologize to you all. My wife has
> reminded me for many years that I am the kind of person who has to have
> everything clearly spelled out. I always assumed she was just talking
> about things that she told me to do, to which I didn't give my full
> attention. No, I am thick.
> Be that as it may, I can now move on to the step: "Main page", scroll
> down to bottom of page and click the "Beta tab", dismiss warning." as
> kidstypike instructed way back at the beginning of this fiasco. I hope
> all goes smoothly now.
> Again, please accept my apologize and my gratitude.So was the original issue 
> just that you didn't know the IP address of
the Pi and connecting the monitor allowed you to find it? If so looking
at devices connected to your router or using a phone app like Fing would
also have allowed you to find it. I thought that was suggested earlier
but maybe not.

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-10 Thread slartibartfast

If you want to "fix" the IP reserve an IP in your router settings and
leave the pCP set to DHCP.

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-10 Thread slartibartfast

d6jg wrote: 
> That is the best approach but it does require a) admin access to the
> router and b) some knowledge of how dhcp works and therefore what to
> choose but if we are talking about recent pCP I thought it should
> http://pcp.local was supposed to work these days?http://pcp.local works in my 
> laptop browser but not on my android phone.
An earlier post said it didn't work on Android, any idea why?

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-10 Thread slartibartfast

Also use a USB2 port on the Pi.

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Re: [slim] Looking for advice on Rasperry Pi piCore Player set up

2021-07-10 Thread slartibartfast

Did you press "save" after selecting "USB audio"?

Maybe let your wife have a go [emoji3]

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Re: [slim] Forum issues

2021-07-13 Thread slartibartfast

Man in a van wrote: 
> I have had the same- database error and then time outI am surprised you 
> managed to reply [emoji1787]. This often happens just
after midnight in my experience and is fine by the morning but not this

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[slim] Forum issues

2021-07-13 Thread slartibartfast

Is it just me or is the forum having issues staying online?

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Re: [slim] Album picture for the folders in the "Music Folder"

2021-07-17 Thread slartibartfast

Frapicore wrote: 
> Dear All,
> Please could you share the solution to see the picture of the album in
> the folders, when I navigate the music with "Music Folder" option. I can
> see the picture of the album in every files, but not in the folder that
> contains these files. Thank you so much.I am pretty sure you can't see the 
> image file in the folders. Why would
you want to?

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Re: [slim] Album picture for the folders in the "Music Folder"

2021-07-17 Thread slartibartfast

You can see it by clicking on "Local artwork" in the context menu but
that probably isn't what you mean.[image:][image:][image:][image:]

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Re: [slim] Album picture for the folders in the "Music Folder"

2021-07-18 Thread slartibartfast

Frapicore wrote: 
> I would to like to see the album picture in the folder because it is the
> main option I use to navigate my music. I am understanding it is not
> possible :(. Thanks for the help.If your music is tagged correctly you don't 
> need to use "Music Folder".

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Re: [slim] Ignore files and folders

2021-07-19 Thread slartibartfast

Kid Audio wrote: 
> I've been trying to keep certain files and folders from being scanned by
> using the Ignore files and folders option but apparently due to my
> lacking skill set I haven't been successful. If anyone can "dumb it
> down" so it makes sense to me I'd certainly appreciate it. I'm trying to
> eliminate certain folders/files from   C:\Users\Cosmo\Downloads (at
> least to begin with)
> Thanks,
> Kid AudioI found the best solution for me was to add an extra media folder
containing the files I didn't want to scan and leave the scan box
unchecked. This way I can play those files from "Music Folder" in My
Music but they won't be added to my library even when I play

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Re: [slim] Ignore files and folders

2021-07-19 Thread slartibartfast

Kid Audio wrote: 
> I tried adding extra media folders (and leaving them unchecked) by
> taking the ones I didn't want scanned that were scanned earlier from
> previous Media Scan Details, so they should be listed correctly. Still
> no luck.Did you do a "Clear and Rescan"?

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Re: [slim] Ignore files and folders

2021-07-19 Thread slartibartfast

Kid Audio wrote: 
> I tried adding extra media folders (and leaving them unchecked) by
> taking the ones I didn't want scanned that were scanned earlier from
> previous Media Scan Details, so they should be listed correctly. Still
> no luck.It could be because the unchecked folders are inside the main scanned

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Re: [slim] Ignore files and folders

2021-07-19 Thread slartibartfast

Kid Audio wrote: 
> I want to exclude certain files because I have music files that are mp3,
> I have music files that are flac and I have music files that are both
> mp3 and flac. For the files that are both mp3 and flac I want only the
> flac files on LMS.For your use case, if you never play the ignored MP3 files 
> via Music
Folder, ignoring the folders using the sentinel file should work after a
clear and rescan.

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Re: [slim] Radio stations don't get updated

2021-07-20 Thread slartibartfast

verycd wrote: 
> Glad to find out that there is still a forum for squeezebox user to post
> inquiries. It is frustrating that many radio stations don't get updated
> promptly if at all, which leads to failure ("bad request"). It is often
> difficult to find the URL online. For instance, the station Yoga Chill.
> The station works in a windows radtio app, a linux radtio app and many
> android radio apps I have installed but not on squeezebox.  Except
> Squeezebox, all other devices/apps I have also automatically update all
> stations - never seen a single error message. 
> It makes me feel the few hundrends of dollars I spent on the the Touch
> was wasted because an old android phone could be easily transformed into
> a media center with an free open source app. Even an old phone is faster
> and easier to type and search than the Touch. A phone can also have
> dedicated superior podcast apps. Does Logitech still support the product
> at all?
> Could anyone kindly tell me how to find stream URL for Yoga Chill? Tried
> many links, none worked.If this is it I found it by searching in the RadioNet 
> plugin.[image:]

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Re: [slim] Radio stations don't get updated

2021-07-21 Thread slartibartfast

verycd wrote: 
> Thanks for the info. I can play Yoga Chill from the plugin in My Media
> Server (pushed to Touch) but can't play from Touch (
> after searching and saving the station. The error message is Http/1.1
> 400 or nothing in the playlist. The squeezer app on android phone has
> the same error message. I suppose when I searched the station on
>, it was through TuneIn addon. So I installed TuneIn on
> my phone and the standalone TuneIn could play the station. 
> The URL of the station is
>  It works in
> a web browser so it should be the correct one but somehow does not work
> on the touch.It is https, cannot play any https.

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