[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-29 Thread Aslak
/reviews in the UK though. I got mine through broadbandstuff.co.uk and am very glad I did! Lawrence -- Aslak ___ Discuss mailing list Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss

[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-29 Thread Aslak
danco Wrote: On 29/8/05 at 04:58 -0700, Aslak wrote Haven't tried Alien but read about it, and it scared me. And I've been using Unix/linux since 1996 It's really not that difficult if one is used to Unix, and even if one is not. The trouble is that one has to pick up bits from