I've just come onto this thread, so please excuse me for re-hashing old
territory here.

I believe that the original poster of this thread is mostly right.

Just about everybody on this thread has said that the Touch is a great
piece of kit and will enhance the product line.  It's a great
replacement to the SB3.  And they're right!  The enhancements over the
SB3 are pretty neat (and they may even come down in price over time).

However there's one big problem. See, everybody says that the Touch
is/will be great for controlling all the other players in the house. 
But with the current line-up, there are NO generic players!  They just
scrapped what most people used as a generic player.

The whole idea of the Slim system is a "whole of house music system". 
But now they've dropped the one player that you could scatter throughout
the house.  I'm NOT going to buy a Touch to stick it up in the attic to
control my in-ceiling speakers. What a waste of most of its features! 
I'm NOT going to buy a Touch to control speakers on the balcony, because
I don't want to walk inside to change the music.  If I stick a Touch
into my main stereo rack (behind glass doors), I'm never going to use
the touchscreen part of the Touch.  And so on.  The feature-set of the
Touch just misses the mark for most of the applications of where you
actually want a basic player.

But the good news is that Logitech only need to do one simple thing to
solve the problem.  They need to sell the Receiver (from the Duet
package) as a separate entity.  And don't tell me to buy a complete Duet
package for all those examples I just gave...  I only need one

So, with the Duet, the Touch, and the Receiver as separate products,
their product line-up would be fantastic and good for just about every
location (of course, including the Boom for bedrooms, etc).

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