slartibartfast wrote: 
> I've just added a new artist to my library and it does not appear in the
> Artist list under My Music when using the App. It appears on my
> Radio,Touch and Controller and also in the web UI but not on my phone.
> If I search for the artist the app can find it and display albums  by
> the artist. I don't know if this is new behaviour for the latest update
> of the app or if any other Artists are missing, I only noticed it when I
> was checking that the "new and changed" scan had completed correctly.
> Has anyone else noticed this problem?

I have guite similar problem, but it exists on "New music" list. When I
copy new music to VortexBox (Linux Squeezebox) server and scan the
library, new music doesn't come to phone's Squeezebox Controller list.
In the web UI and Squeezebox Touch it appears, but not my phone
application. In phone application I can found newly added music from
Artist and Years lists. Only way to get refressed the "New Music" list
is to remove the android application and reinstall it!!  Has anyone
suggestions for the problem?

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