Man, you have no idea how grateful I am for this little program. I was
looking for it for years. It works, and it works nicely.

Few comments:

1. in order to avoid the double playback from PC speakers, there is a
simple way to disable it in foobar:

File-->Preferences-->Playback--->Output and chose "Null Output".

2. I think it's important to be able to chose the player. I have 2
players (second one is located in a different room), and guess what -
the program by default only controls the second player. So I had to
physically turn it off, and restart the squeezeserver. Then it works
for the right player. But obviously that's not the best workaround .
Can you please modify the script so it accepts player id as parameter,
and provide instructions how to identify player id and pass it as a
parameter in a shortcut. (Or other option maybe to use some kind of
ini.txt file to specify playerid there). 

Anyway all that is minor stuff, the point is that controlling
squeezebox using foobar can be done, and it can be done without
affecting sound quality!! So Thank you, thank you , thank you once

P.S. I also hope that some professional developers will be interested
in your code, and sooner or later the official squeezebox plugin will

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