I find the issue with AlienBBC and mplayer on the Mac very weird.

First, there are issues with getting versions of mplayer and the cook codec that work together - some do, some don't.

Then it seems that when I do have mplayer working from the terminal, with some versions AlienBBC works and with some it doesn't. I can't see why, unless I ought to quite SlimServer between tries, which I have done sometimes but not always.

I sometimes feel in the mood to experiment, but at other times it just feels like a waste of energy given that I have a setup that works fine for me.

I'm wondering if it is practical for the AlienBBC site to hold copies of mplayer and the cook codec for downloading, or does it get you into licensing issues. Given the whole range of versions available, to have one place where there is a guaranteed working version would be useful.
Daniel Cohen
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