My SB3 has been working flawlessly until I added a bunch of music
recently. I just about filled up my hard drive (7.39GB left of 279GB
total). I placed a link to a folder on another drive for more music
within the primary folder as well.. Now my SB3 finds everything and
starts playing any song chosen but it locks up after a few seconds,
stops playing, stops responding in any way, and I have to unplug it to
get it to work again. Anyone have any ideas about what the problem is
and how to fix it?

I removed the link to the other drive, I rescanned my library, I've
gone into settings and increased cache size and turned off artwork.
I've even Defragmented my HD's. No success yet. Next I'm thinking of
removing some albums from my primary music file to free up some memory
on the HD. I remember reading that you shouldn't totally fill up your
HD but I figured 7GB of free space was plenty.

Any help would be appreciated because I can't go back to playing CD's

Joe M.

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