I changed Settings-File types in Slimserver and marked all of the types

Then I got this message after pressing "change" button”

Please explain what this means and what to do.

I have copied Lame to Slimserver/Server/Bin

Required binary was not found: [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ $FILE$ -
Required binary was not found: [mac] $FILE$ - -d | [lame] --resample 44100 -x --silent -q 9 --abr $BITRATE$ - -
Required binary was not found: [flac] -dcs --skip=$START$ --until=$END$ -- $FILE$ | [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ - -
Required binary was not found: [mov123] $FILE$ | [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ -b $BITRATE$ -r - -
Required binary was not found: [sox] -t ogg $FILE$ -t raw -r 44100 -c 2 -w -s $-x$ - | [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ -r - -
Required binary was not found: [shorten] -x $FILE$ - | [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --endian little --sign signed --channels 2 --bps 16 --sample-rate 44100 -
Required binary was not found: [shorten] -x $FILE$ - | [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ - -
Required binary was not found: [shorten] -x $FILE$ -
Required binary was not found: [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ $FILE$ -
Required binary was not found: [wmadec] -r 44100 -b 16 -n 2 $FILE$ | [lame] -x --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ - -


Kind Regards



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