I noticed that tag issues keep cropping up again and again through
different versions of slimserver and I was wondering how slimserver
'expects' the tags to look like. ie what is the proper format of the
tags that will mean that that tracks/albums etc are scanned in
correctly into slimserver. 
I've never seen a document from slim devices (excuse me if there is
one) which describes the format for which tags should take and it may
be useful for de-bugging if we had a standard format that we could all
reference and having that standard may help with tag issues.
Even better would be if slim devices or a third party produced some
scripts that could run through our music files to check for
irregularities and could help pinpoint possible problems and possibly
fix these errors.
I don't know how long it would take to produce such documents and
scripts but the time invested may be recouped in less de-bugging and
writing error checking code.
If we where all on a level playing field as far as tags are concerned
we could at least rule out one source of problems.

Steven Moore
Steven Moore's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=104
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=20625

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