Hi everyone,

Following on from last November's discussion (see http://software-carpentry.org/blog/2014/10/why-we-dont-teach-testing.html), Ian Hawke has put together some notebooks to test some scientific code. He'd be grateful for comments - the link to the GitHub repo is below, and you can view the notebooks themselves at http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/IanHawke/close-enough-balloons/tree/master/.

Thanks (and thanks to Ian),

Dear Greg, Lorena,

Your discussion from back in October/November has been nagging away that
the back of my mind. In a classic example of missing the wood for the
trees, I have some answers as to when the convergence rate is "close
enough" to 1 in Euler's method:


I need to tidy up the bits of the last notebook and put more
cross-references in; in the meantime, please give me any comments you
might have before I actually try and turn them into blog posts.



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