
I have converted our lesson on Make to the new template, and would be grateful for feedback:

1. You can preview the lesson website at http://gvwilson.github.io/make/. Our CSS clearly needs a lot of work - if you have graphic design skills and speak the language, please send PRs against https://github.com/swcarpentry/lesson-template/. (We will port changes there back to the workshop-template as appropriate.) We also need to figure out why code samples are being indented in strange ways, and fix that, and several other things - when you spot problems, please file the PRs against the lesson-template site, *not* the Make lesson.

2. https://github.com/swcarpentry/lesson-template/pull/19 has a lot of small changes to the template and its documentation based on what I learned doing the conversion - please review there.

3. The Make lesson itself needs a thorough overhaul (it's a rewrite of a rewrite of...), so if anyone would like to contribute to content rather than format or tools, please ping me - we're working out a way for potential contributors to show that they're interested in working on specific lessons.

Notes on how I extracted history are attached (thanks to Trevor King for figuring it out and explaining it to me (though I still don't claim to actually *understand* all of it)).


Dr. Greg Wilson    | gvwil...@software-carpentry.org
Software Carpentry | http://software-carpentry.org

In order to extract the history of the 'Make' lesson from the 'bc'
repo, I did the following:

1.  'git clone g...@github.com:swcarpentry/bc.git' to get a fresh copy
    of the whole repo.

2.  'cd bc' to go into that directory.

3.  'git filter-branch --index-filter ../filter.sh --prune-empty' to
    prune the history, where 'filter.sh' is:

    git ls-files \
    | grep -v '^intermediate/make' \
    | git update-index --force-remove --verbose --stdin

4. 'git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --parent-filter /tmp/rewrite-parent.rb'
   to prune it some more, where 'rewrite-parent.rb' is:

    old_parents = gets.chomp.gsub('-p ', ' ')
    if old_parents.empty? then
      new_parents = []
      new_parents = `git show-branch --independent #{old_parents}`.split
    puts new_parents.map{|p| '-p ' + p}.join(' ')

    After this step, the hacked 'bc' repo was still 50MByte because it
    still had the whole history of the project.

5.  Create a brand new repository on GitHub called 'make'.

6.  'git clone g...@github.com:gvwilson/make.git' to get it.

7.  'cd make' to go into it.

8.  'git remote add original $(HOME)/bc' to add the hacked 'bc' repo.

9.  'git checkout -b gh-pages' to create a gh-pages branch in the new repo.

10. 'git pull origin gh-pages' to pull in material from the hacked 'bc' repo.
    After this, the new repo was only a few hundred KByte.
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