On Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:51:25 -0600
"Shawn K. Quinn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2005-11-10 at 22:31 -0500, mark wrote:
> > Then, of course, there's the LARGE number of us who DESPISE HTML
> > mail (aka virus-spreader email), and who REALLY DO NOT WANT to HAVE
> > to open a goddamned dog-slow word processor to read our email. (We
> > won't even *begin* to talk about idiots who send out .pdf email....)
> Viruses in e-mail are a problem specific to Windows. In fact, I don't
> know why they aren't simply called Windows viruses, as that is the
> only operating system left for which viruses are seen in the wild on a
> regular basis.

Viruses and span could be slowed down or done away with if everyone
learn what Digital Signing is all about such as gnu-pg or pgp is and
sign all there email. If banks and other Company's started Digital
Signing there email's we could tell who emails are coming from and could
filter and delete them. Email and Digital Signing into as part of an
Office Suite would make a more complete office suite which is good for

> But you're right, usually HTML mail is just plain unnecessary.

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