As I am working on implementing authentication, I was wondering if I could
configure createInboundRoute to attach the GAEAuthenticator guard only to
uris of the form /v1/.... (to implement authentication) and allow uris of
the form /v0/... to pass through without authentication.  

My code currently is...
public final Restlet createInboundRoot() {
  Router router = new Router(getContext());
  router.attach("/v1/path", SomeServerResource.class);
  router.attach("/v1/otherpath", SomeOtherServerResource.class);
  GaeAuthenticator guard = new GaeAuthenticator(getContext());
  router.attach(VERSION_PATH, guard);
  return guard;

I am assuming that what I want is not easily done (that is fine), but I
wanted to make sure before moving on (to trying to do hard things or just
not doing it).  

Thanks in advance!

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