Re: CSS and HTTPS problem ...

2009-03-27 Thread Tal Liron
To add to Rob's hunch -- My guess is that you are using a relative URL to access the CSS, and that you don't have a trailing slash after your base URL. For example, your base URL might be: http://localhost:8080/myapplication/main While your CSS link would be: Re: CSS and HTTPS problem ...
Hard to diagnose without seeing the HTML source ... but is it possible your HTML is constructed with an absolute URL (starting with http://) in the CSS tag? Any snippets of the HTML you can share, or a link to a page if it's public? On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Bayoumi <

CSS and HTTPS problem ...

Hi All, It's been a long time since i posted here ... hope u r all fine n well .. Now my problem. I've planned to add some style to one of my restlet (which is actually a TEXT_HTML MediaType repreaentation) so i made an external stylesheet n saved my .css file and linked it to my html restlet a

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