Restlet - Posting an XML document

2009-05-20 Thread Dan Drillich
Good Day,

Based on, I have -

public class HelloWorldServer {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{

HelloWorldRestlet res = new HelloWorldRestlet();

new Server(Protocol.HTTP, 8182, res).start(); 



public class HelloWorldRestlet extends Restlet{
public void handle(Request req, Response resp)  {

if (req.getMethod().equals(Method.GET)){
// Testing 
resp.setEntity(new StringRepresentation(Hello world!));

resp.setEntity(new StringRepresentation(s));


if (req.getMethod().equals(Method.POST)){

// ??
Form f = req.getResourceRef().getQueryAsForm();

I would like to post an XML document and convert it to a DOM structure.
req.getResourceRef().getQueryAsForm() returns nothing. Any ideas?


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2009-05-20 Thread Tal Liron

I don't know much about GSON. For various reasons, it didn't suit my needs.

Jackson is a work in progress, and my impression is that it's 
progressing nicely. Documentation is still a bit simple at this point, 
but if you look at the Jackson wiki, you will find some useful examples. 
None of it has anything directly to do with Restlet, and you should be 
able to figure it out.

For my own purposes, I use Jackson's simple binding model, which binds 
directly to standard java.util collections and maps. Otherwise, Jackson 
has features which are like JAX-RS, but not necessarily trying to mimic 
it. It's quite a smart architecture, and with excellent performance.

The Jackson community is at least as friendly as the Restlet community, 
and if this is an important technology for you, I recommend joining the 
mailing lists there and posting about any of your concerns.

Is there room for Restlet to switch its JSON extension from using the 
standard JSON libraries to Jackson? I think there might be, but I also 
think different Restlet users might have specific needs, and there are 
many differences between the various Java/JSON libraries. Whatever is 
decided, I think Jackson is quite easy to use as is without any official 
support code from Restlet.


Stephan Koops wrote:


 because the JSON integration is not very good in JAX-RS, I like it to 
 have a better one integrated.
 Does I understand right, that GSON can deserialize into objects? And 
 Than I like one of them to be integrated.

 If someone wants to write the MessageBodyWriter and Reader, or shows me, 
 how to use GSON and/or Jackson, than let me know

 best regards

 Tal Liron schrieb:
 For what it's worth --

 I've moved all my applications to use Jackson, a JSON library which is 
 especially fast, and has some very nice features:

 Very easy to wrap in a Representation if you like, or just throw into a 


 Rob Heittman wrote:
 GSON is very nice.  It is lightweight and fast, simple and stable. 
  It's sad for me that it depends on reflection, because most of my 
 clients are browsers, and it doesn't work in GWT.  Of course it's 
 possible to manually deserialize the object in raw Javascript or GWT, 
 but this takes a lot of the GSON goodness away.  If I was writing more 
 services with Java on both sides of the API, I would use GSON a lot more!

 I'm excited about Jerome's work with serialized Restlet 
 representations in a GWT-compatible way.

 On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 6:48 AM, Zsolt Czinkos wrote:

 I'm just working on a very simple app on GAE, where I'm planning to
 use RESTLET + GSON + JQERY, so I would be very interested in your
 experiences, too.



RE: Re: GSON - Jackson 1.0

2009-05-20 Thread webpost
Jackson has been released as 1.0

I wrote a simple reflection based Json Representation for Jackson.

public class JsonReflectionRepresentation extends StringRepresentation {

public JsonReflectionRepresentation(Object jsonable) throws 
ResourceException {
super(new JsonMaker().toJson(jsonable), 

class JsonMaker {

public String toPlainJson(Object jsonable) throws ResourceException {
try {
if (jsonable == null) {
return ;
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.writeValue(writer, jsonable);
return writer.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ResourceException(e);


import org.restlet.representation.StringRepresentation;
import org.restlet.resource.ResourceException;
import org.restlet.resource.ResourceException;

public class JsonReflectionRepresentation extends StringRepresentation {

public JsonReflectionRepresentation(Object jsonable) throws 
ResourceException {
super(new JsonMaker().toJson(jsonable), 

class JsonMaker {

public String toPlainJson(Object jsonable) throws ResourceException {
try {
if (jsonable == null) {
return ;
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.writeValue(writer, jsonable);
return writer.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ResourceException(e);

   public E E getObject(String string, ClassE clazz) throws 
ResourceException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
return mapper.readValue(string, clazz);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ResourceException(e);

volatile variable in Tag

2009-05-20 Thread Arjohn Kampman
Hi all,

Just noticed that Tag defines its 'weak' variable to be volatile,
although it is never changed. Perhaps this should be final instead?




2009-05-20 Thread Zsolt Kovacs
Thank you for all of you! This was very helpful, a such an active community
:). Unfortunatelly the focus of my work temporary shifted to something else,
so I cannot give the other Zsolt some feedback, but I will when I have
something tangible to show you.



Problem with Engine.getClassLoader() and Spring DM

2009-05-20 Thread David Fogel
We've been using Restlet and OSGi, and recently we've begin using
Spring DM (Dynamic Modules) in our stack, which is a way to integrate
Spring's dependency injection and other tools with an OSGi server

We maintain our own build of Restlet, based on the trunk, with local
changes to fix show-stopper bugs, and one change we had to make in
order to work with Spring DM is in Engine.getClassLoader().  I figured
I should mention it here.  :-)

Engine.getClassLoader() is used by the Engine class's constructor to
find helper classes, like external connector implementations.   It's
implementation checks first for the Thread context classloader, which
it will use in preference to it's own Engine.class.getClassLoader().
The problem with this is that if any other library happens to use the
Thread context classloader, even if that use is intended to be
independent of Restlet, then the wrong classloader is searched for
Restlet helper connectors.  This is the case with Spring DM, which
sets the thread classloader to be the one used in configuring it's
bean contexts.  Since this classloader doesn't know anything at all
about the location of restlet connector extension libraries, Restlet
is unable to load any ext connectors.

The change we made locally was to remove this usage of the
ContextClassLoader.  We also removed the usage of the System
classloader, since that code is basically unreachable (only executes
if Engine.class.getClassLoader() returns null, which is impossible).

Now, it's possible that some people are relying on the existing
behavior of checking the thread context classloader first.  (My guess
is that anyone relying on this probably wishes they didn't have to).
If it's important to maintain the current behavior, then I suggest
that the helper/extension finding code be changed to look in
_multiple_ classloaders for potential helper classes, and not just the
first one that happens to be found.  This would not disrupt people
relying on the current code, and would enable much better behavior for
osgi and other environments which don't have one big central

-Dave Fogel


Content negotiation and Encodings

2009-05-20 Thread David Fogel
Hi all-

We're writing a Directory-like restlet which caches representations
for speedier responses.  We wanted to make use of some of restlet's
built-in support for content negotiation to make sure we send back the
best-matched variant.  (In particular, we want to call
ClientInfo.getPreferredVariant() ).  One problem we've run into is
that some of the Representations we are storing are pre-compressed
(gzipped) versions of the originals, but it appears that restlet's
content-negotiation code doesn't consider the Accept-Encoding
preferences of the client request, only the Language and MediaType.

Why is this?  Shouldn't encoding preferences be processed as part of
content negotiation?  or is this handled somewhere else- if so, why?

One other thing we noticed in looking at the
class is that in addition to the expected GZIP, ZIP, DEFLATE, COMPRESS
encodings, there are also Encoding constants for VELOCITY and
FREEMARKER.Why are these considered Encodings?  It doesn't seem
like they should be.

-Dave Fogel


setting Cache-Control metadata

2009-05-20 Thread David Fogel
Why doesn't the Representation class have a way to set Cache-Control
header-related values?

From past mailing-list messages it looks like there is a pending
feature for general caching support in Restlet.  But I don't want
restlet to do any caching in this case, I just want to be able to
return Representations with Cache-Control values like max-age, etc, in
order to interact more precisely with client browsers.

Is it the case that the only way to set these is to use the
reponse.getAttributes() headers backdoor?

-Dave Fogel
