Re: Restlet client connecting to server with self signed certificate

2010-02-11 Thread Rocky V
Thanks for your inputs, they were helpful. This is how I am able to resolve
the issues I was facing.
I know this is not the best way to deal with things but it can be handy at
times to go past
HTTPS jitters-

pom.xml  ===






if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("https")) {   
SSLContext sc = getCustomSSLFactory();
secureProtocolSocketFactory =
new SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory(sc);

  "https", new 
Response resp = client.handle(request);

private SSLContext getCustomSSLFactory() {
 SSLContext sc = null;
// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate 
TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[]{
new X509TrustManager() {
getAcceptedIssuers() {
return null;
public void checkClientTrusted([] certs, String 
authType) {
public void checkServerTrusted([] certs, String 
authType) {
// Install the all-trusting trust manager
try {
sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new; 
} catch (Exception e) { }
return  sc;

Thanks very much,
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Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


Re: emptyrepresentation has no Identifier reference

2010-02-11 Thread Laurent Rustuel
Le 11/02/2010 16:33, Thierry Boileau a écrit :
> I'm sorry for the delay, I thought my email was sent... at least, I can
> complete my last answer.
No problem, don't worry, and I can use more infos :)
>  >Also, since the upgrade, I show in the logs that the port is -1
> The log trace has been fixed a few days ago (the Response#ServerInfo
> member were not properly set).
Great, thanks.
>  >When I return an empty representation with an Identifier set, I can
> not be found in the client side (object is null).
> Yes, as the emptyRepresentation is not "available" ("size" equals to 0
> and "available" attribute is false), then the entity headers are not copied.
> This choice has been made and discussed in the past, however the HTTP
> spec is on the way to be rewritten and reexplained at the IETF group =>
> This notion of empty representation seems to be clarified, I've updated
> an existing issue about this topic:
Thanks for the info, but I have some questions. You said it has been 
discussed in the past, but this was working with 2.0 M6. Have you made 
some changes recently in this field ?

Do you think this should work as I was expecting, or do I misuse the 
concept. Because the RFC 
[] say :
The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an 
entity-body, and might want to return updated metainformation

So one way can be to not set the reference, because it is not mandatory, 
but we prefer to set it (it helps the client to be lazy to have such info).

> For now, we need some time to reconsider the current position.
> Do you think it's acceptable to send a representation with a single
> character, as a workaround?
I can send back a string representation with no character (and we will 
do that if it is working) but I prefer to not change my code ;)

Laurent Rustuel,
Alten contractor for Alcatel-Lucent, Brest


"Only HTTP or HTTPS resource URIs are allowed here"

2010-02-11 Thread Rickard Öberg

When I use the restlet client to delete() a URL that is perfectly valid, 
I get the following error message:
"Only HTTP or HTTPS resource URIs are allowed here"

Here's the URL:

By doing some debugging and trial&error I "fixed it by replacing:
ClientResource client = new ClientResource(reference);
ClientResource client = new ClientResource( new 
Reference(reference.toUri()).toString(  ));

Apparently the first one sent in only a partial piece of the reference 
to the call, and by explicitly making the reference absolute that 
worked. But it feels icky.

Is this how it's supposed to work?


ps. I'm working with a snapshot of Restlet 2.0 from October last year, 
so it might have been fixed after that.


Re: Restlet client connecting to server with self signed certificate

2010-02-11 Thread Bruno Harbulot
On 11/02/2010 23:14, Rocky V wrote:
>>> Do you mean to say, I can use something like this:
>>> secureProtocolSocketFactory = new
>>> SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory(...);
>>> org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol
>>>  .registerProtocol(
>>> "https", new org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol(
>>>  "https", (ProtocolSocketFactory)secureProtocolSocketFactory,
>>> 443));
> I was referring to this SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory
> (although you could find other ways to do it):
> So all you'd have to do would be (with your SSLContext as below):
> SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory secureProtocolSocketFactory =
>  new SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory(sc);
> Protocol.registerProtocol("https", new Protocol("https",
>  (ProtocolSocketFactory)secureProtocolSocketFactory, 443));
> (if you're using the Apache client connector, otherwise use
> HttpsURLConnection as you've done.)
> I could find one org.jjsutils.jar inside restlet/lib
> \restlet-1.1.7\lib\org.jsslutils_0.5
> but I don't see the class you mentioned
> The closest is SSLContextFactory.class
> Am I looking at wrong place ? Where can I find this class (which jar)

Good point, I should make the wiki page I mentioned above clearer. When 
it says this doesn't depend on jSSLutils, I forget to say it's not in 
the same jar.
The link to this jar file is available from jSSLutils's main page:

Best wishes,



Re: Restlet client connecting to server with self signed certificate

2010-02-11 Thread Rocky V
Rocky V wrote:
>>> Do you mean to say, I can use something like this:
>>> secureProtocolSocketFactory = new
>>> SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory(...);
>>> org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol
>>> .registerProtocol(
>>>"https", new org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol(
>>> "https", (ProtocolSocketFactory)secureProtocolSocketFactory,
>>> 443));
>>>I was referring to this SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory 
>>>(although you could find other ways to do it):
>>>So all you'd have to do would be (with your SSLContext as below):
>>>SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory secureProtocolSocketFactory =
>>>new SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory(sc);
>>>Protocol.registerProtocol("https", new Protocol("https",
>>>(ProtocolSocketFactory)secureProtocolSocketFactory, 443));
>>>(if you're using the Apache client connector, otherwise use 
>>>HttpsURLConnection as you've done.)
> Typo error: 
> I could NOT find one org.jjsutils.jar inside restlet/lib 
> \restlet-1.1.7\lib\org.jsslutils_0.5
> but I don't see the class you mentioned
> The closest is SSLContextFactory.class
> Am I looking at wrong place ? Where can I find this class (which jar)
> Thanks for other part of your response. Informative though little
> challenging to follow in practical world
> of tight deadlines and high expectations. But I am def. gonna take that
> point up with team and I agree
> that's how it HTTPs be tested (otherwise it's like sheep in wolf's
> clothing)

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Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


Re: Restlet client connecting to server with self signed certificate

2010-02-11 Thread Rocky V
>> Do you mean to say, I can use something like this:
>> secureProtocolSocketFactory = new
>> SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory(...);
>> org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol
>> .registerProtocol(
>>"https", new org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol(
>> "https", (ProtocolSocketFactory)secureProtocolSocketFactory,
>> 443));

I was referring to this SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory 
(although you could find other ways to do it):

So all you'd have to do would be (with your SSLContext as below):

SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory secureProtocolSocketFactory =
new SslContextedSecureProtocolSocketFactory(sc);
Protocol.registerProtocol("https", new Protocol("https",
(ProtocolSocketFactory)secureProtocolSocketFactory, 443));

(if you're using the Apache client connector, otherwise use 
HttpsURLConnection as you've done.)

I could find one org.jjsutils.jar inside restlet/lib 
but I don't see the class you mentioned
The closest is SSLContextFactory.class
Am I looking at wrong place ? Where can I find this class (which jar)

Thanks for other part of your response. Informative though little
challenging to follow in practical world
of tight deadlines and high expectations. But I am def. gonna take that
point up with team and I agree
that's how it HTTPs be tested (otherwise it's like sheep in wolf's clothing)

View this message in context:
Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


Re: rejectedExecution

2010-02-11 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Maxime,

when the connector is unable to process new request due to congestion, 
it refuses them.
You can consider to increase the number of thread or connections.
You can have a look here for the available parameters:

In order to set them, proceed as follow:
Server server = new Server(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);
server.getContext().getParameters().add("maxTotalConnections", "50");

I hope this will help you.

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau
NB: at this time, we focused on the available features provided by the 
framework. The first candidate release (which freezes the API) is 
planned for mid-march. At this time, we will focus on bug and 
performance issues.

> Hi,
> We are using Restlet 2.0M7 with the default HTTP server. We have some
> kind of robot making a lot of HTTP requests(about 10/seconds) during,
> for big jobs, approximately 1 minute. Sometimes, when the server is busy
> with other requests(from users) during this big storm, the server fails
> with this log:
> Feb 4, 2010 1:56:31 PM org.restlet.engine.http.connector.BaseHelper$1
> rejectedExecution
> WARNING: Unable to run the following server-side task: Read connection
> messages: true
> <#camil>Feb 4, 2010 1:56:31 PM
> org.restlet.engine.http.connector.BaseHelper$1 rejectedExecution
> <#camil>INFO: Worker service state: Full
> <#camil>Feb 4, 2010 1:56:31 PM
> org.restlet.engine.http.connector.BaseHelper$1 rejectedExecution
> <#camil>INFO: Worker service tasks: 0 queued, 255 active, 5500
> completed, 5755 scheduled.
> <#camil>  Feb 4, 2010 1:56:31 PM
> org.restlet.engine.http.connector.BaseHelper$1 rejectedExecution
> <#camil>  INFO: Worker service thread pool: 1 core size, 255 largest
> size, 255 maximum size, 255 current size
> <#camil>  Feb 4, 2010 1:56:31 PM
> org.restlet.engine.http.connector.ControllerTask run
> <#camil>  INFO: Stop accepting new connections and transactions. Consider
> increasing the maximum number of threads.
> Do you know the reasons of this, what can be done?
> Thanks in advance.
> Maxime Bégnis.
> --


Re: Bug in OAuthHelper?

2010-02-11 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Yu,

Thanks for your report. I've entered an issue for that:

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

> Hi,
> When I use Restlet (Acutally Noelios) OAuth together with OAuth lib from 
> Netflix, there's inconsistent in handling OAuth and non-oauth parameters and 
> causes invalid signature exception later on in
> Noelios OAuthHelper saves all parameters (OAuth and Query parameters, for 
> example) into its OAuthMessage's arrtibutes.
> see the code snippet from
>   // Query parameters.
>  for (final p : request.getResourceRef()
>  .getQueryAsForm()) {
>  parameters.add(new OAuth.Parameter(p.getName(), p.getValue()));
>  }
> However, in Netflix's OAuthSignatureMethod class, the function "validate" 
> where the signature of the base string is calculated from both the 
> OAuthMessage arrtibutes PLUS the request parameters. See the code snippets in 
> the function "getBaseString(OAuthMessage message)"
> parameters = new ArrayList>();
>  parameters.addAll(OAuth.decodeForm(message.URL.substring(q + 
> 1))); //!!! here we got duplicated query parameters !!!
>  parameters.addAll(message.getParameters());
> --
> So My fix to this problem in OAuthGuard is to use my own "genMessage" 
> function to replace the one at:
> // old
> final OAuthMessage requestMessage = OAuthHelper.getMessage(request);
> // mine
> final OAuthMessage requestMessage = _getMessage(request); // my 
> implementation, basically I just commented out few lines of  code where query 
> parameters are involved.
> I am not 100% sure my hack is correct or will cause any other side-effect to 
> the Restlet 1.* OAuth extension.
> BRs,
> Yu
> --


Re: Securing partial Methods for a Resource

2010-02-11 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Benjamin,

could you have a look at this thread?
It contains some explanation about the security model and presents also 
a sample application that illustrates authentication/authorization.
The global schema is to let the resource focus on its tasks, and let a 
filter (an authorizer for example) takes care of this transversal concern.

Feel free to ask for more details.

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

> Hi,
> I'm new to Restlet, which I want to use for implementing a restful 
> application. I'm stuck at a point, were I want to implement a server resource 
> that can be accessed via GET only if authenticated. POST however should 
> always work, as it implements some kind of factory method.
> How can set up authentication on a per-method level for a resource?
> Thanks in advance!
> --


Re: ServerResource doHandle logic

2010-02-11 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Erick,

This is my two cents. This very unsual case can happen only when the 
ServerResource is not annotated. The ServerResource is able to describe 
all supported variants via the "getVariants" collection (for example in 
the initialization method) and generally implements the get(Variant) 
method. The set of variants can be technically updated with 
Representation instances. I don't see clearly use-cases, except in order 
to avoid some calls of methods (considering also the cost of 
instantiating the representations).

 >Is it possible to set the Variant to a Representation, thus avoiding a 
call to get method?
yes, this is possible.

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

> I'm digging through the source code of ServerResource (trying to 
> understand it more) and was wondering what use-case would require this 
> logic:
> if (variant instanceof Representation) {
> result = (Representation) variant;
> } else {
> result = get(variant);
> }
> Is it possible to set the Variant to a Representation, thus avoiding a 
> call to get method?
> Thanks
> -- 
> Erick Fleming


Re: Query string being ignored with Client.get()

2010-02-11 Thread Dustin N. Jenkins
Sorry, I just noticed this was fixed in the snapshot.


On 02/10/2010 05:35 PM, Dustin N. Jenkins wrote:
> I'm using JDK 1.6 build 18, with Fedora Core 8 and Restlet 2.0rc7 on
> Tomcat 6.0.24.
> I have a peculiar problem that started with Restlet 2.0rc7.  The
> Client.get() calls are ignoring the query string when called:
> Client client = new Client(Protocol.HTTP);
> Response response =
> client.get("";);
> This URL should return the search results page, but it instead returns
> the redirect to "";, which is the redirect if
> no search parameters (the query string) are given.  Is this a known bug?
> It works fine if I use the Client.get(new Reference("http",
> "", 80, "/search", "q=Supernatural", null));
> Thank you!
> Dustin
> --


Dustin N. Jenkins | Tel/Tél: 250.363.3101 |

facsimile/télécopieur: (250) 363-0045

National Research Council Canada | 5071 West Saanich Rd, Victoria BC. 
V9E 2E7

Conseil national de recherches Canada | 5071, ch. West Saanich, Victoria 
(C.-B) V9E 2E7

Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada


Re: emptyrepresentation has no Identifier reference

2010-02-11 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Laurent,

I'm sorry for the delay, I thought my email was sent... at least, I can 
complete my last answer.

 >Also, since the upgrade, I show in the logs that the port is -1
The log trace has been fixed a few days ago (the Response#ServerInfo 
member were not properly set).

 >When I return an empty representation with an Identifier set, I can 
not  be found in the client side (object is null).
Yes, as the emptyRepresentation is not "available" ("size" equals to 0 
and "available" attribute is false), then the entity headers are not copied.
This choice has been made and discussed in the past, however the HTTP 
spec is on the way to be rewritten and reexplained at the IETF group =>
This notion of empty representation seems to be clarified, I've updated 
an existing issue about this topic:

For now, we need some time to reconsider the current position.
Do you think it's acceptable to send a representation with a single 
character, as a workaround?

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

> Hello,
> does anybody have some news about this ?
> I have tested with the latest snapshot [2.0 Snapshot (2010-02-09)], but
> with no luck.
> Should I create an entry in the bug tracking system ?
> Regards,
> Laurent.
> Le 03/02/2010 14:53, Laurent Rustuel a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> Still trying to update>   2.0 M6, I used the latest snapshot.
>> When I return an empty representation with an Identifier set, I can not
>> be found in the client side (object is null)
>> See attached file for an eclipse project to reproduce.
>> Also, since the upgrade, I show in the logs that the port is -1, and I
>> don't think it is
>> a configuration problem from my application (the same showed the correct
>> port in log previously)
>> INFO: 2010-02-03 14:43:42127.0.0.1   -   -   -1  
>> GET /test/resource
>> someKey=someValue204 0   0   31  http://localhost:8182
>> Restlet-Framework/2.0snapshot-
>> instead of
>> INFO: 2010-02-03 14:47:12127.0.0.1   -   -   8182
>> GET /test/resource
>> someKey=someValue200 0   -   31  http://localhost:8182   
>> Restlet-Framework/2.0m6 -
>> Finally, I still got the following, in the server side log, when a
>> client connects :
>> FIN: Error while reading an HTTP message. Closing the connection.
>> Connection reset
>>  at
>>  at
>>  at
>>  at
>> org.restlet.engine.http.connector.ServerConnection.readMessage(
>>  at
>> org.restlet.engine.http.connector.Connection.readMessages(
>>  at
>> org.restlet.engine.http.connector.ControllerTask$
>>  at
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
>>  at
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
>>  at
>> Does the fix available in the snapshot should correct this behavior also
>> or it is not related ?
>> I hope it helps, fell free to ask for more informations if needed.
>> Regards,
>> Laurent.


Re: emptyrepresentation has no Identifier reference

2010-02-11 Thread Laurent Rustuel
does anybody have some news about this ?
I have tested with the latest snapshot [2.0 Snapshot (2010-02-09)], but 
with no luck.
Should I create an entry in the bug tracking system ?


Le 03/02/2010 14:53, Laurent Rustuel a écrit :
> Hello,
> Still trying to update>  2.0 M6, I used the latest snapshot.
> When I return an empty representation with an Identifier set, I can not
> be found in the client side (object is null)
> See attached file for an eclipse project to reproduce.
> Also, since the upgrade, I show in the logs that the port is -1, and I
> don't think it is
> a configuration problem from my application (the same showed the correct
> port in log previously)
> INFO: 2010-02-03  14:43:42127.0.0.1   -   -   -1  
> GET /test/resource
> someKey=someValue 204 0   0   31  http://localhost:8182
> Restlet-Framework/2.0snapshot -
> instead of
> INFO: 2010-02-03  14:47:12127.0.0.1   -   -   8182
> GET /test/resource
> someKey=someValue 200 0   -   31  http://localhost:8182   
> Restlet-Framework/2.0m6 -
> Finally, I still got the following, in the server side log, when a
> client connects :
> FIN: Error while reading an HTTP message. Closing the connection.
> Connection reset
>   at
>   at
>   at
>   at
> org.restlet.engine.http.connector.ServerConnection.readMessage(
>   at
> org.restlet.engine.http.connector.Connection.readMessages(
>   at
> org.restlet.engine.http.connector.ControllerTask$
>   at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
>   at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
>   at
> Does the fix available in the snapshot should correct this behavior also
> or it is not related ?
> I hope it helps, fell free to ask for more informations if needed.
> Regards,
> Laurent.

Laurent Rustuel,
Alten contractor for Genesys, an Alcatel-Lucent Company


Re: ERROR 404 : restlet engine or camel-restlet issue ?

2010-02-11 Thread tapdur
yes it is quite easy now ;-) to mixe restlet and camel to use camel'EIP on
top of restlet engine in a jonas/tomcat AS

is is more easy than i think ;-)

finaly i use this dependencies :









and use a camel route : like";>,GET"/>


my 2 cents

2010/2/10 Thierry Boileau [via Restlet Discuss] <

> Hello Bruno,
> regarding the dependencies, I think you can remove the
> "com.n​oelios.restlet" artifacts which reference the 1.1 branch. It should
> work without them.
> What do you mean by "and it works."? Are you able to send a post request to
> http://localhost:909​0/poc.camel.enabler-​0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
>  and
> to 
> Bet regards,
> Thierry Boileau
> --
> --
>  View message @
> To unsubscribe from ERROR 404 : restlet engine or camel-restlet issue ?, click
> here< (link removed) =>.

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