Re: Enable only selected cipher suites

2012-06-20 Thread Timothy Aanerud
What operating system, version of Java are you using, and what version 
of Jetty and Restlet are you using?

What you're doing should work.  My server application does something 
very similar.  One thing to be aware of is the names of the ciphers.  
OpenSSL uses different names than Java uses.

This is my list of weak ciphers:
 private static String _weakCiphers =

This is my list of acceptable ciphers:
 private static String _mediumStrongCiphers =
 "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 " +
 "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA " +

Some of the HTTP connector packages understand disabling ciphers, some 
understand enabling listed ciphers.

My server application runs on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS using openJDK 6, and I'm 
still using Restlet 1.1.7.  Yes, I know I should upgrade...  Sometime in 
March 2012 there was a OpenJDK6 update that effected my ability disable 
weak ciphers using Jetty.   I ended up switching my HTTP connector to 
Grizzly and that made things work again.
Timothy Aanerud

On 6/20/2012 8:56 PM, Enoch wrote:
> Im using Restlet with embedded Jetty. I have a requirement of being able to 
> enable only selected cipher suites.
> I primarily use embedded Jetty anyway I have also tried Simple HTTP Server 
> but both does not appear to work. I am unable to find any examples in this 
> regard.
> Even Restlet In Action book did not have any info in this regard. Any help 
> will be greatly Any help will be greatly appreciated..
> Server Code for embedded Simple HTTP Server(Similar code for JETTY was tried)
>   org.restlet.Server serverObj = new 
> org.restlet.Server(Protocol.HTTPS);
>   HttpServerHelper serverHelper = new HttpServerHelper(
>   serverObj);
>   Engine.getInstance().getRegisteredServers().add(0, 
> serverHelper);
>   org.restlet.Component component = new Component();
>   org.restlet.Server server = 
> component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTPS,8080);
>   component.getDefaultHost().attach(vtnURLResource, new 
> VTNApplication());
>   org.restlet.ext.simple.HttpsServerHelper httpsServerHelper = 
> new HttpsServerHelper(server);
>   Context workingCtx = serverHelper.getContext();
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("disabledCipherSuites",
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("enabledCipherSuites",
>   "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA");
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("sslContextFactory",
> "");
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("keystorePath",
> "C:\\openadrkeystore\\bouncykeys\\VTN_QLI.bks");
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("keystorePassword", "password");
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("keystoreType", "BKS");
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("keyPassword", "password");
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("truststorePath",
>   "C:\\Program 
> Files\\Java\\jre6\\lib\\security\\cacerts");
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("truststorePassword", 
> "changeit");
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("needClientAuthentication", 
> "true");
>   component.start();
>   Client Code
>   ---
>   Client client = new Client(ctx,Protocol.HTTPS);
>   client.setConnectTimeout(5);
>   Context workingCtx = client.getContext();
> System.setProperty("","C:\\Program 
> Files\\Java\\jre6\\lib\\security\\cacerts");
>   System.setProperty("", 
> "changeit");
>   workingCtx.getParameters().add("keystorePath", 

Enable only selected cipher suites

2012-06-20 Thread Enoch
Im using Restlet with embedded Jetty. I have a requirement of being able to 
enable only selected cipher suites.

I primarily use embedded Jetty anyway I have also tried Simple HTTP Server but 
both does not appear to work. I am unable to find any examples in this regard. 
Even Restlet In Action book did not have any info in this regard. Any help will 
be greatly Any help will be greatly appreciated..

Server Code for embedded Simple HTTP Server(Similar code for JETTY was tried)

org.restlet.Server serverObj = new 

HttpServerHelper serverHelper = new HttpServerHelper(

org.restlet.Component component = new Component();
org.restlet.Server server = 
component.getDefaultHost().attach(vtnURLResource, new 

org.restlet.ext.simple.HttpsServerHelper httpsServerHelper = 
new HttpsServerHelper(server);
Context workingCtx = serverHelper.getContext();





workingCtx.getParameters().add("keystorePassword", "password");
workingCtx.getParameters().add("keystoreType", "BKS");
workingCtx.getParameters().add("keyPassword", "password");




Client Code
Client client = new Client(ctx,Protocol.HTTPS);

Context workingCtx = client.getContext();

workingCtx.getParameters().add("keystoreType", "BKS");

workingCtx.getParameters().add("needClientAuthentication", "true");

ClientResource resource = new 


RE: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds

2012-06-20 Thread Yan Zhou
Any objections if the following is added as a new issue in the issue tracker?

I am thinking that the selectKeys(sleepTime) call below really should be able 
to return immediately (thread interrupted, for example) if there has been a 
connection state change that needs attention. The sleepTime will then have 
little effect on how soon or how often controlConnections() is run.

Yan Zhou

> Hi,
> We are noticing that an idling Restlet server has about 2MB of garbage 
> collected in 30 seconds.
> I think I tracked it down to the loop in ConnectionController that invokes 
> the method below:
> @Override
> protected void doRun(long sleepTime) throws IOException {
> super.doRun(sleepTime);
> registerKeys();
> updateKeys();
> selectKeys(sleepTime);
> controlConnections();
> }
> The sleepTime comes from the controllerSleepTimeMs parameter, which is 1 by 
> default.
> So if the loop generates 60 bytes of garbage (2 iterator objects), it'd lead 
> to: 60 x 1000 x 30 = 1,800,000 bytes or 1.8MB every 30 seconds.
> Can I ask if this is a known issue? And if there are workarounds?
> I have already tried tweaking the controllerSleepTimeMs and changing it to 
> something like 3 (30 seconds). Every connection then takes up to 30 
> seconds to close - probably not acceptable as a solution.
> Additional info: Restlet 2.1 rc4 Android edition.
> Thanks,
> Yan Zhou


Re: Re: Date error

2012-06-20 Thread Thierry Boileau
you're welcome.

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

I solved it !!!
> Our server was changing it to GMT time.
> Thank you.
> --


RE: Re: Date error

2012-06-20 Thread Giuseppe Porcelli
I solved it !!!
Our server was changing it to GMT time.

Thank you.


Re: Re: ServerResource getRequest() returns null

2012-06-20 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Carl, Richard,

from what I understand, the main aim of the JaxRs extension is to be able
to host a JaxRs based application inside a Restlet based application.
Which, quickly said, allows you to serve your classic JaxRs annotated
resources using the available server connectors such as the internal one,
the one based on Jetty or Simple library, or a servlet container, etc.
In this use case, the "classic JaxRs annotated resources" are considered to
be plain old Java objects, it does not address the special case of Restlet
ServerResource. That's my current understanding.

You can still get the current request as follow :
org.restlet.Request restletReq = org.restlet.Request.getCurrent();

Having said that I have one general recommandation. When using Restlet
ServerResource, it's fine to get the current Request because this is
completely part of the Restlet API. But accessing the HttpServletRequest
ties your application with the special case of an application hosted by a
servlet container and will prevent you to host your application using the
Simple extension, for example.

I guess that we can enhance the current behaviour and take into account the
case of JaxRs annotated instances of ServerResource. I've entered an issue :

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

On my resource:
> public class UserActsServerResource extends ServerResource implements
> UserActsResource {...
> I am able to use:
> public final Representation represent() {
> ...
>  User user = UserHelpers.getCurrentUser(this.getRequest(),
> this.getResponse());
> and this.getRequest() returns a useful value.  But I have no idea why this
> is not working for you.  I am using the GAE Edition.  Perhaps the problem
> is in some other location of your code/configuration??
> RB
> --


Re: Date error

2012-06-20 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Giuseppe,

could you give a little bit more details? I guess you are setting a date on
client side and sent the serialized entity to the server, but are you
working with GWT, android or inside a classic JVM?

If you are working with GWT, I just can say that the Date fields are
serialized using the milliseconds time value. By default, this time value
is set accordingly to the client time zone. Then, this time value is sent
to the server. The milliseconds time value is totally unchanged but
interpretated accordingly to the server time zone which could lead to
*display* distinct hours and date since when its midnight in Paris its 6pm
in New York, but it's the same time.
In that case, you can override the default behaviour by implementing your
own custom serializers e.g. DateCustomSerializer (see

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

I am updating my entity using:
> u.setLastAccessDate(new Date());
> the datetime set to the entity is: Mon Jun 18 11:39:39 CEST 2012 but the
> sent to the server when I call service.updateEntity(u); is two hours more.
> How to fix it?
> Thank you.
> --
