Extensions refactoring (Net, SSL and Core)

2014-01-12 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi all,

Quite a bit of changes have been made to RF 2.2 branch (upcoming 2.2 M7
version) in order to solve several issues:

   - internal NIO-based connectors in org.restlet.jar still lack stability
   and were moved to an org.restlet.ext.nio module to let them mature further

   - new internal connectors have been added based on the existing
   org.restlet.ext.net module (removed) for the client side
   (java.net.HttpURLConnection) and based on com.sun.net.httpserver for the
   server-side (HTTP/HTTPS) as we are now on JDK 6 which includes this
   lightweight web server.

   - the SSL extension was split into an org.restlet.ext.jsslutils
   extension for integration with the third-party jSSLutils library, and for
   the rest moved to either org.restlet.ext.nio for the HTTPS internal
   connectors, or to the core org.restlet module for the common SSL support
   classes, removing an extra dependency for many extensions such as Jetty,
   Simple and Apache HTTP Client. There is now also the
   CertificateAuthenticator in the org.restlet.security package.

An additional benefit will be that Android extension users won't need to
manually configure the Net extension anymore to get the HTTP client
working. The org.restlet.jar will also be smaller, improving the download

We still need to work on updating the test suite to ensure that all
connectors are properly tested, but almost all test cases now pass with the
new internal connector, for those who want to give them a try.

Best regards,


Re: Apache HttpClient timeouts

2014-01-12 Thread Jerome Louvel

That's correct that those parameters are mostly used on a per connector
basis, and not a per request basis.

I don't think it is a limitation of Apache HTTP Client which should be able
to configure these parameters on a per connection basis, but more a Restlet
API limitation.

Some room for improvement for RF 3.0 maybe:

Best regards,

2013/11/5 Tal Liron 

> I know that it's possible to globally configure the "socketTimeout"
> parameter for the HttpClientHelper. However, is it really impossible to
> configure a different timeout per request?
> In my experimentation, whatever I set in the context for a particular
> ClientResource is ignored. It seems that the timeout is only initialized
> once.
> Is this due to a limitation in Apache HttpClient?
> --
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=3067933


Re: VirtualHost configuration

2014-01-12 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Tal,

The hostPort lets you restrict not only the virtual domain name served by
your virtual host, but also its port number, so you could have one separate
virtual host per port number in theory.

The resourcePort could potentially be different from the hostPort if the
HTTP request URI was provided in absolute form:

The serverPort is a property that restrict your virtual host to the actual
listening port of your server socket, which might be different fro the
hostPort when using port rerouting.

Best regards,

2013/2/7 Tal Liron 

> I use virtual hosts a lot, but I almost always use setResourcePort so
> that applications can work on different ports. I'm wondering:
> 1) What is setServerPort for?
> 2) What is setHostPort for?
> Setting either of these seems to make no different in routing incoming
> requests.
> The JavaDocs for VirtualHost are very lean, and could definitely use
> some more detail!
> --
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=3047996
