
Stackoverflow is pretty active for "restlet" tagged questions, see this
list of newest questions:

Also, some don't have an accepted answers but do have comments and
What is your pending question?

@jlouvel <http://twitter.com/#!/jlouvel>

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Xybrek <xyb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 07 May, 2014 12:05 PM, Jerome Louvel wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Starting with the Restlet Framework 2.3 M2 and 2.2.1 versions released
> > today, we will be announcing the new releases and security updates via
> > an *HTML newsletter*. As always, we cross post the content to our blog
> > <
> http://blog.restlet.com/2014/05/06/restlet-framework-2-2-1-and-2-3-m2-released/>
> and Twitter
> > @restlet_org <https://twitter.com/restlet_org/> account.
> >
> > Registering to Tigris.org is a real barrier for new users who often
> > prefer to reach out on StackOverFlow or Twitter, so we think that
> > offering this direct information channel is necessary. We are also
> > planning to migrate from Tigris to Google Groups later this year.
> >
> > To kick things off, we on-boarded existing subscribers to this mailing
> > list and also offer a clear way to subscribe to this newsletter when
> > downloading the framework <http://restlet.org/download/current>. If
> > needed, unsubscribing is just one click away.
> >
> > We are also building some synergies between the open source Restlet
> > Framework and the APISpark full-stack PaaS under the *Restlet web API
> > platform* project at Restlet.org (see updated web site
> > <http://restlet.org>) to provide additional value to our open source
> > community on the following fronts:
> >
> >  1. API documentation (during development, once published, multiple
> >     versions)
> >  2. API crafting (design contract, generate server skeleton)
> >  3. API usage (client SDKs, self-registration, sand-boxing, forking)
> >  4. API management (firewall, rate limitation, usage reports)
> >  5. API hosting (multi-tenant, containerization, cross-region)
> >
> > As always, we look forward to better serving our community and welcome
> > any feed-back and contributions!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jerome
> > --
> > http://restlet.org <http://restlet.org/>
> > @jlouvel <http://twitter.com/#!/jlouvel>
> >
> Yes, in fact supporting stackoverflow.com is great. Very few questions
> there and fewer answers as I have searched.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=3083489


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