HttpBasicHelper credential encoding?

2010-04-16 Thread ZDC
Hi, In HttpbasicHelper class, the credentials are decoded as US-ASCII. final String credentials = new String(credentialsEncoded, US-ASCII); Is it allright to decide it as UTF-8? We have a client who uses UTF-8 encoding before Base64 encoding. When there's strange chars in

Bug in OAuthHelper?

2010-02-04 Thread ZDC
Hi, When I use Restlet (Acutally Noelios) OAuth together with OAuth lib from Netflix, there's inconsistent in handling OAuth and non-oauth parameters and causes invalid signature exception later on in Noelios OAuthHelper saves all parameters (OAuth and Query parameters, for example) into its

Empty HTTP WWW-Authenticate header in response

2009-12-02 Thread ZDC
Hi, I implemented a custom Guard that handles multiple authentications, e.g. HTTP Simplem, Amazon S3 (my own AmazonS3ServerHelper implementation), etc. According to HTTP spec., the server responses the WWW-Authenticate header(s) when credentials are not provided in the request. So my code had