I'll (strongly) second these sentiments.


From: Mark Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 2:44 PM
To: discuss@restlet.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Maven Repository available

Thanks for doing this. It is a huge step in the right direction. I only
wish you hadn't decided to create your own release repository, and
instead would use the maven central repository. Perhaps you may consider
this for the next level of making things easy for your users. 

In my project, I have many dependencies. If each project set up their
own repository, I would have a huge repository section in my pom and
each repository would have to be checked for each artifact. Moreover,
there are many mirrors of the central repository so there isn't a single
point of failure for retrieving an artifact, whereas it is unlikely that
each individual project will be able to provide mirroring, and even if
they did, I would have to manage referencing all those mirrors. 

I know many projects have set up an automatic syncing with with the
central repository, so that they don't have to do any extra work (after
the syncing is set up) to publish releases to the central repo.

Again, I am most appreciative of what you have done. I just hope it is
not a part of a trend for everyone to set up their own release
repositories (and yes, restlet is not the only one but thankfully they
are still few in number). 

-- Mark R

On 5/3/07, Thierry Boileau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

        **Hello all,
        One the most frequent enhancement request that we received was
        improve our support for Apache Maven <maven.apache.org>
technology. We
        initially responded by shipping some Maven POM files within our
        distribution. This enabled users to upload those JAR files to a
        Maven repository, using a script like the one available in our
        But, this was clearly not easy enough and forced users to
download the 
        full distribution for each new version released, instead of just
        updating a couple of JARs. We also had issues with some
        dependencies which aren't available in public Maven
repositories, like
        the db4o, AsyncWeb or Simple.
        We listened to your feed-back and decided to launch dedicated
        repository. It is freely accessible from
http://maven.restlet.org and
        contains all Restlet JARs and third party dependencies that
        available in the main public Maven repository. It will be
        refreshed on the 1st and on the 15th of each month.
        Best regards,
        Thierry Boileau

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