Hi Henry,

The API doesn't provide concrete implementations because there could be so many. You can compare it to the Servlet API which simply provides an OutputStream.

However, the NRE does provide many concrete representation classes (FreeMarker template, InputStream-based, OutputStream-based, DOM-based, SAX-based, etc.) inside the core and extensions packages:


To return a simple string, it's easier, just use the Message.setEntity(String, MediaType) method. I will see how this could be explained better in the docs.


Henry Story a écrit :

I am writing an Atom client and would like to POST an <entry> to a collection. I looked at the atom source code, but could not quite work out how this is meant to work.

As far as I can see one needs to do something like this

Request request = new Request(Method.POST, getHref(), member);

where member is a Representation. There does not seem to be any way to set the content of a represenation, though. Should one subclass it to make sure the

  public InputStream getStream() throws IOException
  public ReadableByteChannel getChannel() throws IOException

are implemented? And if so which? If so this should be documented...

Or perhaps I am thinking of this wrong.


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Jerome Louvel

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