Hello all,

This update is past due.

- Finally got the FFTC to initialize but having trouble sending it data. I
suspect there is something wrong with my initialization configuration. I've
been able to use devmem2 to see that bits are indeed flipping. Have to look
through the QMSS manual, and the CPPI manual, and the FFTC manual a little
more thoroughly to see what else I may need to change. I've added brief
notes to the keystone2 page
http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Keystone2 on programming
the board but it needs more work.
- Looked over some more code for gnuradio-runtime in an effort to demystify
it for the community (as discussed in the last coproc call). Did some work
on a wiki page but will release wiki page once it's in a usable state which
will hopefully be by the next update.

Hopefully next week I make a breakthrough with the keystone as we are
nearing the halfway point and it would be good to spend more time on GNU
Radio stuff.

Thanks everyone for the support,
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