Hi everyone,

we're very happy to announce that we will be doing another set of
tutorials at this year's GRCon. The tutorial is free, and will happen on
the new user's day at GRCon (Mon, September 12th), *but* it requires
that you purchase a ticket for the new user's day, should you have not
already done so.

There's a limited headcount, so if you want to attend, please head over
to the registration page and get your tutorial ticket (and, if
necessary, your new user's day ticket):


Note: If you register for the tutorial without having registered for the
new user's day, we might have to un-register you and give the seat to
other participants, should there be a waitlist. I therefore recommend
you get your new user's day ticket at the same time as the RFNoC
tutorial ticket, should you require one.

We will follow up with details on the tutorial, but it will be a
hands-on introduction to RFNoC development. Participants will create
their own block and run it on an embedded device.
We will provide all the hardware and a bootable USB drive containing all
the required software. We might also provide laptops, but that remains
to be figured out.

If you're already a somewhat experienced user of RFNoC, you most likely
won't get all that much out of the tutorial, since we'll be focussing on
getting people started. A large portion of Ettus R&D will be at GRCon
and you can grab us and ask us questions outside of the tutorial, too.


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