Good evening all,

I am completing a project and attempting to send a file through two separate 
USRP using gnu radio.

I have managed this with File Src>Packet Encoder> GMSK Mod > USRP Sink at the 
TX and USRP Src>Polyphase Clock Sync >Cost as Loop>GMSK Demod >Packet 
Decoder>File Sink.

The result is a partial success, the file always has approx 5 lines of text 
missing st the end, I have changed the length and this always appears to be the 

After researching a bit I believe a burst shaper may help but don't know how to 
implement it.  So far at the TX I have attempted to add it but it is looking 
for a tag, where does this come from and can it be accomplished from a file?

Alternatively is there a simpler method other than adding 5 lines to the source 

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