
I'm encountering an error in my flowgraph that involves tag propagation
when stopping/starting.  The flowgraph has a USRP connected to file meta
sinks.  The USRP can be switched by the user to stream to a null sink when
recording of data is not required.  When this happens, the file sinks are
connected to a null source.  This is all great.

Recently, I've written some custom blocks that take the USRP output and
process a subset of the samples to generate a power measurement at a
specified interval (about 5 ms).  The USRP is connected to an RMS
measurement block then to a stream_to_tagged_stream block then to a
tagged_stream_to_pdu and finally to a socket_pdu where I output UDP packets
with the measurement subset.  This part of the flowgraph needs to run all
the time regardless of the record state.

This part of the flowgraph also works well when it is started initially up
until the record state is changed.  When this happens, the flowgraph stops,
waits, locks, changes connections between USRP and file sinks, unlocks, and
starts.  A fatal error is posted: Missing required length on port 0 at item
#0 <block_tagged_stream_to_pdu>: Missing length tag.

Is ther any way around this?  A hack of the tagged_stream_to_pdu block or
stream_to_tagged_stream block?

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