Stupid question. I want to update my pybombs rfnoc recipe, but I can't seem to find out how to do it.

I know for things like uhd, you can type: pybombs update uhd. But if I try that for rfnoc, I get: PyBOMBS.get_recipe - ERROR - Recipe for `rfnoc' found, but does not match request target type `package' (is `prefix').

What am i missing here? I am wondering if my problem is that my root directory for all of this is called rfnoc (which is the same as the recipe name)..... But my issue with that is it obviously had no problem installing it the first time.

Looking at my config.yml, it looks like this:
  default_prefix: myprefix
  RFNOC: /home/jmat/rfnoc
  myprefix: /home/jmat/prefix
  ettus-pybombs: git+
  gr-etcetera: git+
  gr-recipes: git+

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