If anyone's interested or having the same issue: I've tried to run the
gr-inspector example in a Docker container (seen below) and received the
same error message.  So the issue doesn't seem to be limited to Ubuntu

FROM fedora:27

RUN yum install -y git gnuradio gnuradio-devel qt qt-devel qwt qwt-devel
gcc gcc-c++ make cmake python python-devel python-pip qwtplot3d-qt4
qwtplot3d-qt4-devel cppunit-devel
RUN yum install -y rtl-sdr xterm gr-osmosdr
RUN pip install tensorflow

# gr-inspector
RUN echo "xterm_executable = /usr/bin/xterm" >>
RUN git clone https://github.com/gnuradio/gr-inspector /tmp/gr-inspector
RUN mkdir /tmp/gr-inspector/build; cd /tmp/gr-inspector/build; cmake ..;
make -j4; make install

ENV PYTHONPATH $PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib64/python2.7/site-packages
CMD /bin/bash

On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 1:48 PM, Robert Stanford <rstanford8...@gmail.com>

>  I've found and installed the necessary package.  It still has the same
> error when running the example graph.  Like many GNURadio things, this
> seems not entirely portable.  Has anyone been able to get gr-inspector to
> run in a certain Docker environment?
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 1:34 PM, Sebastian Müller <gse...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Robert,
>> please use the homepage I referenced to find the packages you need. I
>> searched for you last mail but I’m sure you’ll find the packages that
>> provide the headers as well after a little time of searching. Each OS is
>> different and I cannot support users in setting up their system to meet the
>> requirements for gr-inspector.
>> Thanks,
>> Sebastian Müller
>> gse...@gmail.com
>> <http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x9FFBD55DDC2AA3EE>
>> Am 10. April 2018 um 22:25:19, Robert Stanford (rstanford8...@gmail.com)
>> schrieb:
>>  Sebastian -
>>  I have uninstalled qwt and qwtplot3d, and manually verified that no
>> files matching their name exists on the fs.  I have installed the two
>> packages you've included as references (libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev, libqwt-dev).
>>  I have two new errors when running cmake, including a missing qwt header
>> file (though as I mentioned, I installed the -dev package).  Please see
>> https://pastebin.com/ruz43yTu
>>  The header file that is missing is not included in the file list of the
>> packages you linked.
>>  Thank you for your patience
>> On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Sebastian Müller <gse...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> I’m pretty sure you have a corrupt qwt installation on your machine
>>> (which is also 90% the issues users have with gr-inspector).
>>> The file libqwt-qt4.so.5 does not seem to come from qwt-6.1.0 source
>>> build, but from the debian package 'libqwt5-qt4‘.
>>> If you just use a symbolic link and trick cmake into finding this file,
>>> things might go wrong down the road since this is a qwt 5 library! I would
>>> avoid using symlinks for this purpose at all. See my other comments below.
>>> Am 9. April 2018 um 20:26:36, Robert Stanford (rstanford8...@gmail.com)
>>> schrieb:
>>>  Thanks for getting back to me.  The packages I installed were:
>>>  - libqwtplot3d-qt4-0v5, libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev from apt install
>>>  - qwt-6.1.0 (not the most recent, but what the page recommends), from
>>> source.  I'd previously tried installing the most recent from the repos
>>> (apt), but had the same error I mentioned above so uninstalled and
>>> installed this recommended version from source.
>>>    - I installed this using these instructions: http://qwt.sourc
>>> eforge.net/qwtinstall.html
>>> Please uninstall all qwt related packages and files from your machine.
>>> As mentioned above, there seems to be other (broken) qwt installations.
>>> This is not an easy task, so please take some time to clean everything up!
>>>  gr-inspector (cmake) had errors until I did these three things:
>>>   - apt install gnuradio-dev
>>> This is normal if you didn’t build GNU Radio from source.
>>>   - ln -s /usr/include/qwt /usr/include/qwtplot3d-qt4
>>> You are symlinking a qwt directory to a qwtplot3d directory. This does
>>> not make sense to me and will most likely cause problems. All the files you
>>> need should be in /usr/include/qwtplot3d-qt4 and be provided by
>>> ‚libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev‘ [1]. If they are not there, something is wrong with
>>> your system.
>>> If the files are there, please share the output of cmake without
>>> symlinking beforehand.
>>>   - ln -s /usr/lib/libqwt-qt4.so.5 /usr/lib/libqwt-qt4.so
>>> Same thing here libqwt-qt5.so.5 is most likely no file from qwt-6.1.0.
>>> The library that you need is in /usr/lib/libqwt.so and is provided by
>>> ‚libqwt-dev‘ [2]. If not, again, something is wrong with your system.
>>>   - I found that I had to do this: export 
>>> CMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/home/rs/devel/gr-inspector/cmake/Modules;
>>> cmake ..
>>> This should also not be necessary. What is the error if you don’t do
>>> this?
>>> So, either I am doing something wrong by this point, or there are four
>>> extra steps (above) that are required to get gr-inspector working on my
>>> system (Ubuntu 17.10, gnuradio 3.7.10)
>>> Yes, from the points I mentioned above I don’t think you’re getting a
>>> successful build from here on.
>>>  I've cleaned and built again to show the output.  Here is the output of
>>> 'cmake ..': https://pastebin.com/c3hnmNDx
>>>  Here is the output of 'make -j4': https://pastebin.com/zHUAZGn3
>>>  I load the sample graph into gnuradio-companion, and get the error
>>> again: https://pastebin.com/DFGAtmGz
>>>  As for the PLL error (while tuning the rtl-sdr), that's something I
>>> normally experience.  It's never been a show-stopper and I think it can be
>>> ignored in this case.  I am not tuning to 2.4MHz but am using a 2.4MS/s
>>> sample rate.
>>>  Thank you again
>>> [1] https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/amd64/libqwtplot3d-qt4-de
>>> v/filelist
>>> [2] https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/amd64/libqwt-dev/filelist
>>> Sebastian Müller
>>> gse...@gmail.com
>>> <http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x9FFBD55DDC2AA3EE>
>>> On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 12:40 PM, Sebastian Müller <gse...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Robert,
>>>> Am 9. April 2018 um 01:31:42, Robert Stanford (rstanford8...@gmail.com)
>>>> schrieb:
>>>>  I have cloned and installed gr-inspector using the instructions on the
>>>> webpage.  One change (addition) necessary to get gr-inspector to install on
>>>> my system (Ubuntu 17.10) was to run ln -s /usr/lib/libqwt-qt4.so.5
>>>> /usr/lib/libqwt-qt4.so ; otherwise cmake failed, unable to find
>>>> libqwt-qt4.so.
>>>> Can you please provide a *complete* list of qwt packages you installed
>>>> as well as the version?  (For instance with `dpkg -s [package]`)
>>>> Also, please provide the output of cmake when before and after the `ln
>>>> -s` command you mention.
>>>> Lastly, I’d like to see the output of `make` after a successful cmake
>>>> run. You can use pastebin or something similar since this all is a lot of
>>>> output.
>>>>  I have started gnuradio companion and loaded an example from
>>>> gr-inspector (live_signal_detection.grc).  I adjust the sample rate, since
>>>> I am using an RTL-SDR (adjust to 2.4e6).  The graph comes up, and I press
>>>> 'play' (execute the flow graph).  I get this error:
>>>> Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
>>>> [R82XX] PLL not locked!
>>>> [R82XX] PLL not locked!
>>>> I’m not aware of any RTL SDRs that can be tuned to 2.4 MHz (correct me
>>>> if I’m wrong). That’s probably why you get the PLL error here.
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File "/home/rs/devel/gr-inspector/examples/live_signal_detection.py",
>>>> line 142, in <module>
>>>>     main()
>>>>   File "/home/rs/devel/gr-inspector/examples/live_signal_detection.py",
>>>> line 130, in main
>>>>     tb = top_block_cls()
>>>>   File "/home/rs/devel/gr-inspector/examples/live_signal_detection.py",
>>>> line 85, in __init__
>>>>     self.inspector_signal_detector_cvf_0 =
>>>> inspector.signal_detector_cvf(samp_rate, 4096,
>>>> firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS,
>>>> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'signal_detector_cvf'
>>>> This just means gr-inspector was not installed correctly. To
>>>> investigate, please provide the outputs I mentioned above.
>>>>  GNUradio (3.7.10) executes other graphs fine (that is,
>>>> non-gr-inspector graphs).  Why am I getting this error with gr-inspector?
>>>>  Thank you
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>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Sebastian Müller
>>>> gse...@gmail.com
>>>> <http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x9FFBD55DDC2AA3EE>
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