bug with addSubview ??

2007-02-10 Thread Paddy Smith


The upper textfield appears a long way from where I expect it
(off the window initially, have to resize to see it).

Is this just a bug or am I doing something silly ?

#import Foundation/Foundation.h
#include AppKit/AppKit.h

@interface MySubView : NSView {
   NSTextField *p0;
@implementation MySubView

- (id) initWithFrame: (NSRect)r
   self = [super initWithFrame: r];

   float pad=10.0;
   p0=[[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:

   [p0 setStringValue: @test];
   [self addSubview: p0];

   return self;

- (void) drawRect: (NSRect)rect
   float pad   = 5.0;
   float left  = rect.origin.x+pad;
   float right = rect.origin.x+rect.size.width-pad;
   float bot   = rect.origin.y+pad;
   float top   = rect.origin.y+rect.size.height-pad;

   NSPoint p1 = NSMakePoint(left,bot);
   NSPoint p2 = NSMakePoint(right,bot);
   NSPoint p3 = NSMakePoint(right,top);
   NSPoint p4 = NSMakePoint(left,top);

   NSBezierPath *square = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
   [square moveToPoint:p1];
   [square lineToPoint:p2];
   [square lineToPoint:p3];
   [square lineToPoint:p4];
   [square lineToPoint:p1];
   [[NSColor blackColor] set];
   [square stroke];

@interface MyView : NSView {}
@implementation MyView
- (id) initWithFrame: (NSRect)r
   [super initWithFrame: r];

   float offset=r.size.height/2.0;
   MySubView *mySV;

   mySV=[[MySubView alloc] initWithFrame:
   [mySV setAutoresizingMask:
   [self addSubview: mySV];

   mySV=[[MySubView alloc] initWithFrame:
   [mySV setAutoresizingMask:
   [self addSubview: mySV];

   return self;

@interface AppController : NSObject
   MyView  *myV;
- (void)applicationWillFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *) not;
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *) not;

@implementation AppController
- (void) applicationWillFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) not
  NSMenu *menu = [NSMenu new];
  [menu addItemWithTitle: @Quit action: @selector(terminate:)
keyEquivalent: @q];
  [NSApp setMainMenu:menu];

  window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect: NSMakeRect(200,
200, 100, 100)
   styleMask: (NSTitledWindowMask |
   NSMiniaturizableWindowMask |
 backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered
   defer: YES];
  [window setTitle: @Hello World];

  myV=[[MyView alloc] initWithFrame: [[window contentView] frame]];
  [myV setAutoresizingMask: NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable ];
  [[window contentView] addSubview: myV];

- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) not
   [window makeKeyAndOrderFront: self];

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
  AppController *delegate;

  pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  delegate = [[AppController alloc] init];

  [NSApplication sharedApplication];
  [NSApp setDelegate: delegate];

  return NSApplicationMain (argc, argv);


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: bug with addSubview ??

2007-02-10 Thread Paddy Smith

On 2/10/07, Richard Frith-Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10 Feb 2007, at 11:23, Paddy Smith wrote:


 The upper textfield appears a long way from where I expect it
 (off the window initially, have to resize to see it).

 Is this just a bug or am I doing something silly ?

I think probably something silly ... bear in mind that a views
coordinates are relative to the view it is placed in.
I suspect that you meant the coordinates for the textfield to be
pad,pad rather than r.origin.x+pad,r.origin.y+pad

D'oh!  I really thought I'd checked that the origins coming in there were 0,0.
I just figured I'd want them if I moved to another frame of reference (like
if I ditch views).

So the NSRect that is passed in is the frame in terms of the containing
coordinates (which makes sense I suppose, otherwise you could just send
a size :-)) and what it buys you is precisely what I'm trying to do(!), the
ability to draw directly in the view, which is done in terms of *that*
system.  And the view having its own frame of reference is more or less just
sugar that makes it a handy weapon to point at your feet ;-)

My consistency hobgoblin is now hopping from foot to foot :-)))

Thank you, thank you very much!  That was something I wasn't going to see
even though it was staring me in the face! :-)


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: bug with addSubview ??

2007-02-10 Thread Paddy Smith

On 2/10/07, Paddy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

D'oh!  I really thought I'd checked that the origins coming in there were 0,0.
I just figured I'd want them if I moved to another frame of reference (like
if I ditch views).

So the NSRect that is passed in is the frame in terms of the containing
coordinates (which makes sense I suppose, otherwise you could just send
a size :-)) and what it buys you is precisely what I'm trying to do(!), the
ability to draw directly in the view, which is done in terms of *that*
system.  And the view having its own frame of reference is more or less just
sugar that makes it a handy weapon to point at your feet ;-)

sorry, feeling a bit slow today. the rect in drawRect is origin 0,0 for a view
(ie in terms of that view's frame of reference). apologies for blathering on :-)

but thanks once again, my code works beautifully now :-)


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: How do I make sounds ?

2007-01-15 Thread Paddy Smith

On 1/14/07, Fred Kiefer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Paddy Smith schrieb:
 is gsnd current?  I don't seem to have one in my debian packages,
 and I couldn't get the source (from that package) to compile.

 when I try to use NSSound I get told about gsnd.

 I looked at cynthiune, and that will make sounds, but it knows about
 the whole menagerie of sound systems.

 I only need to do application sound effects, not specialist audio.

I am not sure, I did understand your problem.

GNUstep gui uses a tool called gnustep_sndd to produce audio. This
program is located in the Tools section of GNUstep gui. When you compile
GNUstep, and the necessary libraries are available, this tool should be
compiled as well.

okay, this is what I needed to know, thank you.

The combination of the three data points I gave lead me to wonder
whether I was missing something, and perhaps I still am, but having
that single point to navigate by: that gnustep_sndd is the way, and
should work, gives me plenty to work with.

Indeed, I realise now that I was searching on the string 'gsnd' for a
debian package, which was silly because I'd seen 'gnustep_sndd' written,
but when I couldn't immediately find it in the binaries I went back to
the source and went from the gsnd name there without looking too
closely (cos it looked similar enough I imagined that it built to

When I search for 'sndd'  I turn up only a hit in debian stable,
not the current testing, so I guess I'm loooking at a bug in the
testing packages.

What I don't know is, how this tool gets packaged up in debian packages.
Will the tool come along with the rest of gui or be in a separate
package? I would expect that it is included in the gnustep-gui-runtime
package. Do I understand your mail correctly, that you are complaining
there isn't one in there?

yes, it is fairly easy to track which binary packages come from a given
source package, and there are excellent facilities for searching the whole
archive for files and so on.  It was the combination of tripping over the
name, the long spans of time, and the cynthiune thing that caused me
to really wonder.

Once again, many thanks.  I'm chasing so many different little bits
of info at once that it's a life-saver to be able to get a reality check
like this, instead of scratching my head for a long time.


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

How do I make sounds ?

2007-01-12 Thread Paddy Smith


is gsnd current?  I don't seem to have one in my debian packages,
and I couldn't get the source (from that package) to compile.

when I try to use NSSound I get told about gsnd.

I looked at cynthiune, and that will make sounds, but it knows about
the whole menagerie of sound systems.

I only need to do application sound effects, not specialist audio.


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

bug? (‘NSMutableString’ may not respond to ‘-isEqualTo:’, but on macosx you can get away with it)

2007-01-02 Thread Paddy Smith

Although I haven't checked yet, I expect its a warning on macosx as well.

Cocoafibs compiles on macosx with a large number of warnings, so I may
have a few of these.

The question is whether you want me to file this kind of stuff in the
bug tracker?


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

NSTextView, NSTextField and resizing

2006-12-30 Thread Paddy Smith


when I throw together a test app in gorm, the NSTextView does not behave as I
would expect, although it works okay from code.  instead it grows when resized
horizontally but will not shrink back.

I have a gorm file where the text simply does not resize at all, like
bug #15988.
I may have created it in gorm, but I suspect it is a conversion from a
cocoa nib,
so there may be a interoperability thing there.

an NSTextField with setAutoresizingMask: NSViewWidthSizable seems to show
some interesting behaviour when resized.  I would have expected the
insert point
to be at the right hand side when there was too much text to display, and the
start of the text at the left when there was enough room.  moving the focus on
and off the textfield seems to correct this.  I understand there is a
shared widget
for such cells, so this makes sense.  I have seen it in a state where
the widget
is not covering all the cell and/or (depending how you look at it) the
text in the
cell is in the wrong place, so that the same text is repeated twice.

I did try to use a textview instead of a textfield (I only have one!),
but I've yet
to figure out how to make it behave like a textfield (controlling the number of
lines of characters height in particular).  I would actually prefer to have the
option of multiple lines of input for this box, so it would be nice to
figure out a
bit better how to do this.  I've seen code that will do setstring:@a
very long string, sizetofit,setstring:@, but how to handle mulitple
lines ?

Anyway, I'm starting to waffle ...

practically instant bugfixes are, as always, gratefully received :-)
as are corrections, tips, and any reflections, explanations, etc on
textview vs textfield


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: NSTextView, NSTextField and resizing

2006-12-30 Thread Paddy Smith

Superb! thanks!

starter is https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?18649
behaviour is the same if I create a gorm file instead.

I'll see whether the old bug/gorm problem will survive trimming down to example
size, if not I'll post you the whole thing.

the textfield is https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?18651
I'll try taking a look at NSTextField ... but from past experience I know that
kind of code can get pretty tricky, so don't expect too much! :-)

I neglected to mention that I'm using the base_1_13_0 bugfix branch of
now, but I'm fairly sure I saw all this earlier in the day when I'd
forgotten to install
my build from last night and had stock etch packages instead.


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: NSTextView, NSTextField and resizing

2006-12-30 Thread Paddy Smith

I'll see whether the old bug/gorm problem will survive trimming down to example
size, if not I'll post you the whole thing.

it did. https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?18654


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Test base library stable branch please

2006-12-29 Thread Paddy Smith

On 12/28/06, Hubert Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 15:38:16 +, Richard Frith-Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Could people please make an effort to check out the stable branch
 of the base library from subversion and check that none of the
 backported bugfixes is faulty.

I'm just shifting to this (r24274) now.  so far that patch and the fix
for bug #18107 work here (many thanks, once again!) and I've not
noticed any new problems.

Users of the Debian packages who don't want to compile it on their own
can use my precompiled versions, available at:

You can also use the apt sources line:
  deb http://debian.uhoreg.ca/experimental/gnustep/ ./

It should be able to install straight on top of the regular Debian
packages.  Let me know if there are any problems with it.

I'll try to keep the packages relatively up to date.  Right now, the
packages are based on an SVN checkout from last Saturday.


I'd be happy to send/build you ppc binaries if it helps, but I imagine you
have buildds for that :-)


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

using NSKeyedArchiver ...

2006-12-27 Thread Paddy Smith

the following code 'seems to work' on macosx, but not on the gnustep
in debian etch.
Am I doing something silly ?

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
   NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

   NSMutableString *foo;
   foo=[[NSMutableString alloc] init];
   [foo setString: @wib];
   NSLog(@check: %08x: %@, foo, foo);

   NSData *bar;
   bar=[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:foo];

   NSMutableString *baz;
   baz=[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:bar];
   NSLog(@check: %08x: %@, baz, baz);

   [pool release];
   return 0;


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: attempted install on Debian system

2006-09-16 Thread Paddy Smith


I very recently installed the gnustep from sid on etch.

here is what I have on that box atm:

jibs:~# dpkg -l '*gnustep*'
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name  Version   Description
hn  addresses-goodies-for-gnu none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep   none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep-antlr none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep-back  none(no
description available)
ii  gnustep-back-common   0.11.0-1  The GNUstep
GUI Backend - common files
pn  gnustep-back-doc  none(no
description available)
ii  gnustep-back0.10  0.10.2-1  The GNUstep GUI Backend
hi  gnustep-back0.11  0.11.0-1  The GNUstep GUI Backend
ii  gnustep-base-common   1.13.0-1  GNUstep Base
library - common files
pn  gnustep-base-doc  none(no
description available)
pn  gnustep-base-examples none(no
description available)
ii  gnustep-base-runtime  1.13.0-1  GNUstep Base library
un  gnustep-base1 none(no
description available)
un  gnustep-base1-dbg none(no
description available)
un  gnustep-base1-dev none(no
description available)
ii  gnustep-common1.13.0-1  Common files
for the core GNUstep environment
hn  gnustep-core  none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep-core-develnone(no
description available)
pn  gnustep-core-doc  none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep-devel none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep-dl2   none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep-examples  none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep-games none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep-gdnone(no
description available)
ii  gnustep-gpbs  0.11.0-1  The GNUstep
PasteBoard Server
ii  gnustep-gui-common0.11.0-1  GNUstep GUI
Library - common files
ii  gnustep-gui-doc   0.11.0-1  Documentation
for the GNUstep GUI Library
ii  gnustep-gui-runtime   0.11.0-1  GNUstep GUI
Library - runtime files
un  gnustep-gui0  none(no
description available)
un  gnustep-gui0-dbg  none(no
description available)
un  gnustep-gui0-dev  none(no
description available)
pn  gnustep-icons none(no
description available)
ii  gnustep-make  1.13.0-1  Basic GNUstep Makefiles
pn  gnustep-make-doc  none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep-make-ogo  none(no
description available)
hn  gnustep-netclassesnone(no
description available)
ii  gnustep-ppd   1.0.0-6   GNUstep
Postscript Printer Description
pn  gnustep-tutorial-html none(no
description available)
pn  gnustep-tutorial-pdf  none(no
description available)
un  gnustep-xgps0 none(no
description available)
un  libgnustep-base-dbg   none(no
description available)
ii  libgnustep-base-dev   1.13.0-1  GNUstep Base
header files and development libraries
hn  libgnustep-base1.10   none(no
description available)
hn  libgnustep-base1.10-dbg   none(no
description available)
hn  libgnustep-base1.10-dev   none(no
description available)
ii  libgnustep-base1.11   1.11.2-3  GNUstep Base library
hn  libgnustep-base1.11-dbg   none(no
description available)
hn  libgnustep-base1.11-dev   none(no
description available)
ii  libgnustep-base1.13   1.13.0-1  GNUstep Base library
hn  libgnustep-base1.13-dbg   none(no
description available)
un  libgnustep-gui-dbgnone(no
description available)
ii  libgnustep-gui-dev0.11.0-1  GNUstep GUI
header files and static libraries
hn  libgnustep-gui0.10none(no
description available)
hn  libgnustep-gui0.10-dbgnone   

Re: Re: porting cocoafibs, trouble with nibs

2006-09-16 Thread Paddy Smith

On 9/16/06, Fred Kiefer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nice thing that you are doing here. Your main problem seems to be that
GNUstep currently does not support NSController and its subclasses (in
your case NSUserDefaultsController). With that missing your NIB file
will never work, which ever way you convert it.
I see two ways to proceed: Either you manage to remove the need for that
class from the original NIB file or we need to add that class somewhere.
I have some basic implementation for some of the controller classes
lying around here, but I never committed them to GNUstep as not to bloat
our code with unused classes.

okay, so it sounds like I need to get a handle on

1) how far gnustep is away from having NSController support that would
solve this problem for this case.


2) how much work we would need to do to rip the NSController stuff
out, and replace it.

For preference I would rather work on the NSController stuff, which
should be of use to others, rather than on the hand-coding replacement

any chance of getting my hands on your code ? ;-)


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

porting cocoafibs, trouble with nibs

2006-09-15 Thread Paddy Smith


we are attempting to port cocoafibs
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/cocoafibs/) to gnustep at

converting the nib files is giving us trouble.

One of them, the Invite nib will go through nib2gmodel.  the resulting
gmodel will load in gorm (1.1.0 built against the gnustep in debian
sid). the nib that gorm emits from that will not load in the macosx IB
(xcode2.4), giving the error -[NSPlaceHolderMutableString
initWithString]: nil argument 

which is interesting because trying to load the macosx nib directly
(saved out to xml) in gorm results in the error Exception
-initWithSring: given nil string.

There are errors with other nibs like no class for name

[incidentally, it would be really nice to be able to cut'n'paste these
errors off the gorm gui]

the original source in question can be got from the cocoafibs cvs on
sourceforge, but the nibs there are in the binary format. I have
posted the macosx IB output of those nibs in the xml format and the
Invite nib output from gorm mentioned above on the stepfibs
sourceforge under Files.

So, help, suggestions, advice, encouragement, etc. all gratefully received :-)

What do people suggest: should we stick with nibs, or use renaissance,
or something else ?

Any suggestions on how to convert nibs to renaissance?  is there a
program to do this ?


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