Re: [tdf-discuss] Install path for LibreOffice under Windows

2013-03-11 Thread Andras Timar
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Pedro  wrote:
> So my question is: is there any reason that LibreOffice under Windows does
> not install to \LibreOffice\?
Not really. AFAIK it is just a legacy setting. Default install
location can be changed either from installer UI, or by the
INSTALLLOCATION property from the msiexec's command line. All
settings, registry keys etc. will accommodate automatically.

Migration of extensions is a different issue, I'm not an expert of that.

Best regards,

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[tdf-discuss] Install path for LibreOffice under Windows

2013-03-04 Thread Pedro
Hi all

I just updated my LibreOffice install to under Windows for
the second time.
The first time I used the suggested install path (%ProgramFiles%\LibreOffice
3.6\ and %ProgramFiles%\LibreOffice 4.0\)

I noticed that all the extensions installed as shared (i.e. for All Users)
were "left behind" in the %ProgramFiles%\LibreOffice 3.6 folder. So I had to
manually delete the folder (because there is no way to uninstall the
leftovers otherwise) and had to reinstall again under LO 4.0

Because I was testing for items not imported in the user Profile
( I decided to give it
another go and start from zero.

So I installed LO in folder %ProgramFiles%\LibreOffice\ added all
the extensions, changed all settings to my preferences and then updated to

In addition to finding that profile migration (albeit not perfect) is much
better now, all my extensions were correctly working.

So my question is: is there any reason that LibreOffice under Windows does
not install to \LibreOffice\?

Under Windows a single version is associated with the registry keys and with
the odf files, so the installer removes the previous version before
installing a new one. I can see no advantage in installing to a version
named folder under Windows...

If there is no particular reason, then the future LibreOffice 4.0.2 (a month
from now) could be a changing point and install to \LibreOffice\ and be the
last version where these problems occur...

Then when Version 4.1 is out (somewhere in July) this problem would already
be solved (hopefully forever :) ).

Just another 2 cents ;)

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