Re: [tdf-discuss] Bulletted list and space between the list items

2013-03-06 Thread Italo Vignoli

Il 06/03/2013 03:51, Marc Paré ha scritto:

I would like the list with less space between the lines ...

Once you have the list, you can configure the distance between the items 
using the Format > Paragraph window, where you can set the space before 
and after, and the line height.

Italo Vignoli -
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Re: [tdf-discuss] Bulletted list and space between the list items

2013-03-06 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Marc,

Marc Paré schrieb:

I have a list of items and they are in bullet form. But, the amount of
space between the bulletted list items is too large. How would I go
about to make a list with less space between the lines.

For example:

* apple

* orange

* pear

I would like the list with less space between the lines ...

* apple
* orange
* pear

Yes, I have also looked in the LibreOffice help (F1) and could not find
how to do this.

You need to use a special paragraph style for the list items. There 
exist some paragraph styles with suitable names. But they have not yet 
the correct settings, so you need to modify them to give you the desired 

Kind regards

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Bulletted list and space between the list items

2013-03-05 Thread Jean Weber
Short answer: You need to change the list style definition.
Supplementary answer: (Re)defining list styles is covered in either or
both of Chapters 6 & 7 of the Writer Guide.


On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Marc Paré  wrote:
> I have a list of items and they are in bullet form. But, the amount of space
> between the bulletted list items is too large. How would I go about to make
> a list with less space between the lines.
> For example:
> * apple
> * orange
> * pear
> I would like the list with less space between the lines ...
> * apple
> * orange
> * pear
> Yes, I have also looked in the LibreOffice help (F1) and could not find how
> to do this.
> Cheers,
> Marc

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