Hi all,

The TSC met today i.e. on Thursday, February 22, 2018 and had a productive
meeting with several important decisions. A few of the most important
takeaways & decisions are:

   - Oxygen branch will be cut & locked on Sunday February 25,
   2018 sometime on or after 23:59 UTC.
   - *The Oxygen release is extremely likely to slip due to the delay
   in getting a clean build in the autorelease. We do expect to get a
   clean build sometime next week. Once that happens we will make the
   release candidate zero (RC0) build. Historically we have needed around 3
   weeks to release after the RC0. Hence we expect to have more reliable and
   realistic outlook about the Oxygen release date around the end of the next
   week - and hopefully can be confirmed in the next TSC meeting. A delay will
   cause the SR schedule and Fluorine to be affected by the delay time.*
   - The TSC voted to conditionally approve the next Carbon and Nitrogen
   - Daniel Farrell presented the managed release model [0] that he and
   several folks (Jamo Luhrsen, Luis Gomez, Kit Lou, Sam Hague, An Ho, Anil
   Vishnoi) have diligently worked on. We request folks to comment via
   reviews to the patch [1] before the next TSC meeting. We would like to vote
   on this soon once people have had a chance to review.
   - The Oxygen DDF will not be through the ONS registration. Instead we
   will setup a separate wiki for this and ask people to sign up there.
      - Phil, Casey and the events staff have managed to get a bigger room
      for the Oxygen DDF. The capacity will be 50 people - but we may
be able to
      cram 70.

Detailed minutes for today (Feb 22) are here:


I had missed sending last week's meeting (Feb 15) minutes- here they are:



[0] Managed Release Model overview:
[1] Managed Release Model overview patch for community review:
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