On 2-Mar-09, at 10:17 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

The Community has need of BSD-licensed source code for TIN generation (in 3-space). It doesn't have to be "really good", just good enough for some simple demo apps (for example, full-on Delauney support not needed).

I know there are a bunch of TIN algs out there on the net in various places, but I don't have much experience with any of them. If anyone has any pointers, I'd appreciate it.

Looks like Sextante GIS has some tools coming too:
https://lists.forge.osor.eu/pipermail/sextante-devel/2009-February/ 000026.html

... using Josef Bezdek's work. Perhaps if you're looking for code samples, his work is a good example to look at: http://bezdek2009dp.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/myAlgorithmSextante/src/ es/unex/sextante/vectorTools/


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